If you like Somrthing Corporate you should swipe at your penis with a rusty tea-spoon, and change your name to Maria.
Punk? You're having a laugh.
Fuckin' guy has one post. Wind-up account.
Here's him "I like them because they're awesome" Here's me "Fuck you"
well...first off, let me just say, i'm crying right now because that really hurt my feelings.
i've been visiting this sight since 99' but i'd rather not get into all the bullshit arguements that everyone has (guess i've succeeded in that though) and i'm pretty sure even you've had a first post
i have a question for you,
your friends pretty much think you're an asshole don't they? cause you definitely come off as one
if you like Something Corporate, you should check out Closet Monster while you're waiting
i went to their website...the lyrics are good...i am definitely going to check them out...thanks
(AC/DC, GNR, and SoCo; in no particular order).
SoCo stand for Southern Comfort. NEVER misuse it like that again.
SoCo also stands for Southern Comfort, which happens to be my favorite liquor (but only if its 100 proof)...one of my favorite things to do is drink SoCo and listen to SoCo
now if you'll all excuse me, i'm off to the courthouse...need to change my name to Maria, Chris wasn't working for me anymore...too many jerks have that name