I have a few problems here...
1) Why does he sing the backing vocal "My mind" right before the chorus comes in? It sounds horrible, and its not needed at all. I wish someone would tell him!!!
2) His voice just doesn't seem to be that strong/in tune anymore.
3) They did a great job of thinking to have Matt double the chorus with Scott, it really helps fill out the chorus and give it alittle special-ness compared to the verses. On the Leno show, having Matt really helped the chorus....i don't know, that chorus doesn't seem THAT hard, but Scott always sounds off.....is it me or do u agree???
4) I didn't think Duff looked bored at Leno.
5) If you think it sounded different then Letterman....probably b/c they were performing outside, which for any musicians who have performed outside know, its very hard to get a good live sound when you are outdoors.
6) I think they have some delay on Scott's vocal, but its kinda minimal, which I guess is good, but I think he needs some reverb. His vocals are very dry and when he's not in-tune, the bands sounds bad. Atleast some reverb will help mask some of that out. And maybe throw a slight amount of chorus on, maybe just the chorus.
7) Again, having Matt sing the chorus helped.......WHY NOT HAVE DAVE OR DUFF SING THE CHORUS TOO?
that will help Scott's weak vocals. Or put more fx on his vocals...do something.....he's struggling!!
RANDOM RANT: "Big Machine" just rocks the fuckin house! That's gotta be my favorite song off the album...especially that last chorus when they don't do the E-Eb-D, A-Gb-G musical move...it just slams right thru that last chorus on E5
RR 2: I love this band, and i'm very happy they're out and actually released an album....BUT.....i think the world is starting to see just how important Axl Rose was/is. This is a great band with an ok lead singer who DOES perform well, and it has Slash, who is an icon. But without Axl, its just not majestic.
Level 99: Velvet Revolver, STP
Level 100: GnR, Zeppelin
They're good, but they are not at the top (100)