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Download Festival - June 11 (Donington Park, UK)
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Topic: Download Festival - June 11 (Donington Park, UK) (Read 155513 times)
Welsh, and luvin' it
Karma: -3
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live,breathe eat GNR.
Re: Download Festival - June 11 (Donington Park, UK)
Reply #160 on:
June 07, 2006, 08:08:47 PM »
Quote from: wadey9 on June 07, 2006, 10:48:15 AM
got my tix today......................
after suffering all of the above
got mine too.wow ticketmaster leave it late dont they,bastards
.now i can plan my journey and get excited
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Devon, England, UK
Re: Download Festival - June 11 (Donington Park, UK)
Reply #161 on:
June 08, 2006, 07:44:37 AM »
Righty, I'll be off shortly... I probably won't wear my GN'R shirt until the Sunday, but its got the old logo on it and a Appetite era b/w pic on the back. I'll also probably be wearing a green wide-rimmed hat and 3/4-length trousers
Hopefully see you there Gunners!
"You've gotta choice in life... rock n' roll or classical" - Axl
11/06/06 - Download Festival, Donington
30/07/06 - Wembley Arena, London
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Re: Download Festival - June 11 (Donington Park, UK)
Reply #162 on:
June 08, 2006, 07:52:20 AM »
i wont be there till saturday morn - have a blast people, hope to see you on Sunday!!
woohoo! thanks for organising anselmo (sorry i havent replied to yet properly - I've been Hammersmith-ed out!)
Re: Download Festival - June 11 (Donington Park, UK)
Reply #163 on:
June 08, 2006, 07:53:40 AM »
yeah see yous all saturday hopefully
Naked Waldorf in front of the computer
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Re: Download Festival - June 11 (Donington Park, UK)
Reply #164 on:
June 08, 2006, 11:44:01 AM »
Quote from: babydolls on June 08, 2006, 07:52:20 AM
i wont be there till saturday morn - have a blast people, hope to see you on Sunday!!
woohoo!? thanks for organising anselmo (sorry i havent replied to yet properly - I've been Hammersmith-ed out!)
Take your time, i know how much energy goes into a GNR show.
Leaving in 3 hours 30 minutes. Yellow camping zone for those camping. Red Hair, Red Beard, probably stoned.
In a coma
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Posts: 265
Re: Download Festival - June 11 (Donington Park, UK)
Reply #165 on:
June 09, 2006, 06:28:39 AM »
Can't wait for this gig will be there on Friday night and would love to meet up with board members. Jarmo can you add me to list please!!!!
Ladies and Gentleman Guns N Fucking Roses
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Here Today...And Back Tommorrow
Re: Download Festival - June 11 (Donington Park, UK)
Reply #166 on:
June 09, 2006, 08:17:12 AM »
Does anyone know of any UK radio coverage?
I would'nt do that if I were you.
Re: Download Festival - June 11 (Donington Park, UK)
Reply #167 on:
June 09, 2006, 11:45:09 AM »
Quote from: AL1978 on June 09, 2006, 08:17:12 AM
Does anyone know of any UK radio coverage?
87.7 is covering Download. Saw it on posters as I took my stepson and his mate over there this a.m. Am attending myself on Sunday.
Re: Download Festival - June 11 (Donington Park, UK)
Reply #168 on:
June 09, 2006, 11:56:42 AM »
Quote from: wadey9 on June 07, 2006, 10:52:18 AM
Quote from: Anselmo on June 07, 2006, 07:44:10 AM
I am organising a meet up at Download festival to take place before the GNR gig on Sunday evening, those of you interested in the meet, please PM me your mobile phone numbers and i will send you a text message with meet info on Friday or Saturday.
You will get the pleasure of meeting...
Jarmo ( hitler)
These are the people that have expressed interest so far.
For real!
you should recognise me, il be wearing my HTGTH shirt, i cant make arrangements to meet but ill be there.
Count me in. I'm wearing my tee from the skin & bones tour. Post meet up or text 07979650191. I'll have to bring from stepson though he's 17 and totally into GNR. I'm only going for Sunday. Bastards put the day tickets on sale AFTER I'd bought the weekend ticket.
BTW traffic is murder coming in off the main roads, be prepared for a long wait.
Karma: -1
Posts: 696
Here Today...And Back Tommorrow
Re: Download Festival - June 11 (Donington Park, UK)
Reply #169 on:
June 09, 2006, 01:22:55 PM »
Quote from: Shirell on June 09, 2006, 11:45:09 AM
Quote from: AL1978 on June 09, 2006, 08:17:12 AM
Does anyone know of any UK radio coverage?
87.7 is covering Download.? Saw it on posters as I took my stepson and his mate over there this a.m.? Am attending myself on Sunday.
Thanks for that!
Do you know what station that is? Enjoy the show!!! I may make it to Birmingham as I'm just down the road, but I'm not sure yet.
I would'nt do that if I were you.
Karma: -2
Posts: 117
Here Today...
Re: Download Festival - June 11 (Donington Park, UK)
Reply #170 on:
June 10, 2006, 01:36:02 PM »
right dudes !!
i've got my ticket but don't know whow to get there
i'm fucked ? is anyone going on the sunday morning from around the yorkshire area???
fuck it, im gonna starting walking now theres noway im missing this!
can anyone put me up for the night aswell? i have no-where to sleep
(living on the edge)
let me know? please help out a fellow gunner!
now we all know better
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I like turtles.
Re: Download Festival - June 11 (Donington Park, UK)
Reply #171 on:
June 11, 2006, 12:33:46 PM »
According to the Download Festival Website...
At "12 Midday", it says that there are rumors Kid Rock will be joining GnR tonight for some tunes, as well as a possibility of Duff.
Here's the exact wording:
12 Midday
Sniffed out some juicy backstage rumours. Apparently Kid Rock is confirmed to join Guns N' Roses tomorrow night. In other GNR-related news, I hear we may also be joined today by my old mucker Duff McCagan. He has been joining Alice in Chains at some of their US dates and they're on the main stage here today...
Karma: 0
Posts: 137
Here Today...
Re: Download Festival - June 11 (Donington Park, UK)
Reply #172 on:
June 11, 2006, 10:43:11 PM »
01- Welcome To The Jungle
02- It's So Easy
03- Mr. Brownstone
04- Knockin' On Heaven's Door
05- Sweet Child O'Mine*
06- Bumblefoot Solo w/ Don't Cry Instrumental
07- You Could Be Mine*
08- Fortus solo & Beautiful (Finck/Fortus)
09- Better
10- Think About You (w/ Izzy Stradlin)
11- November Rain
12- My Michelle (w/ Sebastian Bach)
13- Smoke on the Water (intro to Patience)
14- Patience (w/ Izzy Stradlin)
15- Nightrain (w/ Izzy Stradlin)
16- Madagascar
17- Rocket Queen
18- IRS
19- Chinese Democracy
20- Used To Love Her (w/ Izzy Stradlin)
Robin Finck Solo
21- Paradise City (w/ Izzy Stradlin')
by emiliano= uzicuicide.com.ar
Karma: 0
Posts: 375
Re: Download Festival - June 11 (Donington Park, UK)
Reply #173 on:
June 11, 2006, 11:49:34 PM »
FANTASTIC....This was a great concert...It had some really really lows and some really really Highs..
Most of the 1st half of the concert had some techinical difficulties (Sound). Then at one song Axl slipped (Almost fell down) and he gave the middle finger to a roadie. After the song he stopped the concert and the whole group went backstage...The roadies came back to fix the floor or something...At one song maybe YCBM Axl didn't finish the song and the band had to sing to finish it....
Then at another song Tommy threw down his bass and left the show....That happened cause he received a fucking piss bottle...
At these points you could hear mixed audience responses with some booing and bootles on stage...
As i was dissapointed Suddenly MAGIC Happened...Izzy came out...From this point onwards the concert was great. No sound problems, no booing, Axl in great mood singing the songs and generally awesome performance...
Izzy played for like 5-6 songs (Think about you,Patience,Nightrain,Used To Love Her, Paradise City)...Izzy looked very happy...
Sebastian bach did the usual my michelle too...
Not only the above they fucking played 5 new songs (Bettter,Blues,Madagascar,IRS,Chinese Democracy)
Izzy seemed to enjoy it and he even introduced Used to Love her...He was interacting not only with axl but with other bandmembers too ( like tommy)...He seemed to be part of the band , like he never left...At the end he saluted the crowd as part of the band...Even Axl chanted Izzy,Izzy,Izzy and the crowd followed chanting his name too.
The crowd and the group were very very happy and i really believe that it was the best show of the new GNR..A lot of variety,incidents and the longest Show/Setlist so far....+ fucking IZZY ...
I am prety sure this could be the best show of this summer tour...
Check this out?
Used to Love Her (with Izzy) - Video (WMV)
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Posts: 129
Get In The Ring
Re: Download Festival - June 11 (Donington Park, UK)
Reply #174 on:
June 12, 2006, 03:28:31 AM »
was stood next to a filmer for most of the night! he said this will be on dvd. unfortunatly the same way the NYC shows first surfaced *via sale
but hey still cool
i gave him my number and he said he'll text me an email address for more details
if anyones interested pm your email address and i can forward it on
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Posts: 651
Green Army
Re: Download Festival - June 11 (Donington Park, UK)
Reply #175 on:
June 12, 2006, 05:58:38 PM »
Got back from Donny today - I've just lived a dream of mine for the past five years, seeing Axl and the band for the first time.? I was, needless to say, blown away!!? ?
Good setlist, five new songs all sounding completely awesome.? Madagascar gets better with every listen and I heard Better all the way through for the 1st time, that songs kicks ass.? IRS kicked huge butt too, can't wait for the album it's gonna kill.
Let's get a couple of negatives out the way - with this being a festival crowd there were a lot of GN'R n00bs all chanting for Slash, I even heard one say that Slash has a weird beard?
? Some idiots were berating Axl, but I ignored them as much as possible and joined in with the "Axl, Axl" chants.? There were also of course the technical issues plagueing Axl (does this happen at every show?!!).? A few people whinged about the interruptions and the jazzy interludes but fuck them, it was all good.? Tommy throwing his bass and it hitting the cameraman was one of the most bizarre things I've ever seem, but I must stress that he took the mic later and apologised, saying he didn't mean to hit the poor bloke.? A few more idiots whinged when Tommy said he'd go home if another bottle touched him but I applauded Tommy.? I also had to endure the shocking BFMV and Funeral for a Friend beforehand; Clutch would've led into GN'R very nicely?
They appeared fairly promptly which I was glad about cos I was fucking knackered having stood through the previous 3 bands.? When Axl appeared I screamed my lungs out for about 10 seconds, I couldn't believe I was seeing him.? From them ripping into WTTJ to the end I was totally impressed.? It had it all - tantrums, surprises and above all some fine songs.? The participation in Used To Love her was quite different, but very cool, with Tommy taking the drums for the song!? Izzy coming on blew everyone away (kept the haters happy too!).? All band members played amazingly, Bumblefoot is gonna be a new guitar hero for aspiring kids, I'm sure of that.? This was a truly great show, if it comes out I'll be getting it straight away.? When bucketfan says they played Smoke On The Water, it really was only Izzy pissing about and brain and Tommy joining in.
I could go on but I'll just finish by saying GUNS N FUCKIN ROSES?
Last Edit: June 12, 2006, 06:00:33 PM by GNR_Green
"Said if they had someone to buy it, Said I'm sure they'd sell my soul"
Re: Download Festival - June 11 (Donington Park, UK)
Reply #176 on:
June 12, 2006, 06:03:01 PM »
Such an amazing show
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Posts: 1265
Re: Download Festival - June 11 (Donington Park, UK)
Reply #177 on:
June 14, 2006, 07:05:32 AM »
had the best week last week with hammesrsmith and then THIS! sorry again for not making the meet-up. I texted anselmo - but maybe his phone died. Had the good fortune to meet Izzy backstage - hear him strumming a guitar and playing a little Nightrain next to me! Argh! He was super nice. The gig had me gutted and elated all over the place. Such a rush of emotions. I honestly thought November rain was stunning and bumblefoot was out of this world -as was Robin - and Richard, and tommy - oh axl's VOICE! he looked so energetic dashing about the stage and after all the issues - i thought it was absoutely credit to them as a band that they pulled together and overcame the shit and TRIUMPHED. it was truely amazing. i shed a tear! they just blew me away.
I doubt my pics will be any good - but will load any that are. the set was amazing - I feel so lucky to have been there. adn the c0ck sucker behind me got his karma after shouting for Slash - and then getting drenched with a bottle of piss from someone right next to him! brilliant!
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Posts: 1265
Re: Download Festival - June 11 (Donington Park, UK)
Reply #178 on:
June 16, 2006, 07:42:34 AM »
it was a black and white halter top, yeah! that would be funny ! hope it wasnt your mate/girlfriend I tripped over whilst leaping around
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Here Today...
Re: Download Festival - June 11 (Donington Park, UK)
Reply #179 on:
June 16, 2006, 07:41:54 PM »
Just my little input too...
Did anyone see the text I put up on the screens? It was during the afternoon, giving a shout out to all you guys!
I also saw some of you people, I'm sure of it. On the Sun, about an hour or so before the gig, I saw some guys hanging about below the disabled viewing platform - one wearing a htgth tshirt, with short curly hair and glasses. I was gonna come say hi but I was on the viewing platform and it was getting really busy so didn't want to lose my place! If that was you, though...did you meet Finck in the crowd? I saw you talking to someone and having a photo taken with them and it was only when they walked away that I thought 'shit, was that Finck?'. If so, my rock n roll foot will be in the background of the photo!
As for the gig itself...I nearly fell over when they came on early, wtf! Seemed strange seeing GnR in full daylight. The crowd were a bit shitty, but I suppose that's to be expected from a festival crowd and not a pure gunners crowd. I heard a lot of Axl hating and people slagging off the new band despite saying they'd never heard them...I'll never understand that attitude! They were just like 'they'll just be crap cos they're not Slash n co'. Fucksake, why can't people respect them for who they are and not for who they're not. Slash is gone, people. Suck it up, listen to VR, don't go hating on a guitarist just cos he ain't Slash.
Was a little concerned with the 'technical difficulties' and thought it could lead to trouble as the crowd were half delirious already from so long in the sun! I think it was a mark of how much Axl has dedicated himself this time when he kept coming back for more, despite the fuck ups and the negativity. I'm not sure he'd have put up as much a little while back.
Thought people were a bit harsh booing Tommy for shouting about getting covered in piss - it's not particularly pleasant and I don't think there's any excuse...if you don't like a band, fuck off. Nobody's forcing you to listen. Just go home, don't fuck it up for the rest of us.
Axl's voice was amazing, much stronger and more stable than in 2002, imho. The set was good in all and I enjoyed the new band's spin on the classics but I am probably with a lot of people when I say that I'd love to hear a bit more variation in the old songs played. There's enough of a back catalogue to keep it fresh. Can't really complain though, I reckon they're doing enough to keep most people happy, I'm just a die hard gunner who's gonna see them a lot and wants a bit more variation
Seb Bach and Izzy, amazing. I nearly wet myself with excitement
I am loving Bumblefoot too, I have a feeling that it was only his solo that saved the gig descending into anarchy after Axl's tantrum. Finck's amazing too, he's just a really fucking good guitarist with great presence. I think I'm liking him more now than in 2002...he seems to have gelled more, if that makes sense.
My boyfriend has absolutely no time for GnR as they were and was dreading having to see them. However, he was blown away by the new band, he loves Bumblefoot and Finck and rates them above Slash and Izzy, even. He is even now looking forward to Chinese Democracy as he was well impressed with the new songs!
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