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Your GN'R highlights?
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Topic: Your GN'R highlights? (Read 419333 times)
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Re: Your GN'R highlights?
Reply #640 on:
June 17, 2012, 05:24:00 PM »
Lovin' It.
Good for you.
Re: Your GN'R highlights?
Reply #641 on:
June 18, 2012, 09:58:10 PM »
My highlights are seeing Guns N' Roses 30 times since 2006, my first show was Rock In Lisbon way back on the 27th May 2006. Seeing Axl and the band for the first time was unbelievable, and every show since then has been an excercise in chasing "that" high. Seeing GN'R in 8 different countries, England - Scotland - Ireland - Portugal - France - Holland - US - Canada. Meeting Ron Thal first in Las Vegas in 2006, and then again 2 years later in 2008. Meeting Duff Mckagan in 2011, in my hometown Birmingham. And meeting the one and only Frank Ferrer, in Newcastle before GN'Rs show this year in 2012.
I became a fan of GN'R in early 2004, when a friend introduced me via a tape cassette player at school. Since then, I've been hooked and it's been one hell of a ride over the last 8 years. Guns N' Roses are my life and they mean absolutely everything to me, and I'm sure other GN'R fans can understand my passion for this band.
Here's to the last 8 years, and here's also to the fantastic years to come.
All my GN'R shows attended...
Rock In Rio, Portugal, Lisbon, 27th May 2006
Hammersmith Apollo, London, UK, 7th June 2006
Download Festival, Donnington Park, UK, 11th June 2006
Bercy Arena, France, Paris, 20th June 2006
Hallam FM Arena, Sheffield, UK, 18th July 2006
SECC Arena, Scotland, Glasgow, 21st July 2006
MEN Arena, Manchester, UK, 23rd July 2006
NEC Arena, Birmingham, UK, 25th July 2006
Nottingham Ice Centre, Nottingham, UK, 27th July 2006
Wembley Arena, London, UK, 29th July 2006
Wembley Arena, London, UK, 30th July 2006
The Joint, Hard Rock Hotel, Las Vegas, US, 16th September 2006
The Joint, Hard Rock Hotel, Las Vegas, US, 17th September 2006
Air Canada Centre, Toronto, Canada, 28th January 2010
Reading Festival, UK, Little Johns Farm, 27th August 2010
Leeds Festival, UK, Bramham Park, 29th August 2010
02 Arena, Ireland, Dublin, 1st September 2010
Bercy Arena, France, Paris, 13th September 2010
Zenith Arena, France, Lille, 2nd October 2010
02 Arena, England, London, UK, 13th October 2010
02 Arena, England, London, UK, 14th October 2010
LG Arena, England, Birmingham, UK, 17th October 2010
MEN Arena, England, Manchester, UK, 18th October 2010
Dublin 02 Arena, Ireland, 17th May 2012
Nottingham, Capital FM Arena, UK, 19th May 2012
Newcastle, Metro Radio Arena, UK, 23rd May 2012
Birmingham, LG Arena, UK, 26th May 2012
Manchester, MEN Arena, UK, 29th May 2012
Rotterdam, Holland, Ahoy Arena, 4th June 2012
Paris, France, Omnisports Arena, 5th June 2012
Last Edit: June 18, 2012, 10:05:56 PM by One.In.A.Million
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Re: Your GN'R highlights?
Reply #642 on:
June 27, 2012, 03:03:15 PM »
1st GnR show 04/09/92 Rosemont Horizon Chicago IL.
2nd concert ever and man did it change my life. I had no idea Youtube has this whole show that I just found today. I haven't looked for it bc I just never thought to until last week when I was looking around this forum. The SBD from Civil War Vol 4 Sounds even better then the Youtube.
Smashing Pumpkins opened up for this show. Also Shannon Hoon was in the house to help sing Don't cry. Great concert if not the best I have been to Top 5 for sure. 04/10/12 was cancelled and Axl was on the run. So glad I went Thursday night instead of Friday. If the tix were sold at the same time I probably would of went to Fridays show due to being young and school the next day. They added the Friday show a couple months later I think. It was a long time ago hard to remember.
I have a custom title now!
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Re: Your GN'R highlights?
Reply #643 on:
November 27, 2012, 03:14:32 PM »
This is a blog I wrote on gunsnroses.com. Pretty muts fits here perfectly too.
I figured there was no possible way whatsoever that my experiences with Gn?R could ever be topped again. I had it all I figured. Seen them many times, met everyone and got to hang out with them, got Axl?s microphone, got him to sign my arm and get it tattooed?..what the fuck is left?
Back in February, Motley Crue did a residency at the Hard Rock. I remember thinking to myself, ?Damn, what if Gn?R did something like this? What would I do? How would I pull it off????Then come August?and BOOM! Gn?R at the fucking Hard Rock, 5 miles away from my house!!!!!
For as excited as I was, I also kinda went into panic mode. How am I going to pull this off? I just had twin baby girls! How will I afford this? There?s 12 damn shows coming up, and I HAVE to be there! If I fly around the country to see them, I sure as hell can?t miss them when they play down the fucking road from me!!!! I would be living the dream.
With help from many different sources, getting deals on cheap tickets, getting a couple free, and saving all my extra cash, I sure as hell made every last show. Each and every one were special in its own way. 12 shows in 4 weeks. Damn. And MANY special highlights. A lot of it was a blur, but I?ll try to list them in order.
Opening night: It begins!!!! Amazing show as always! I got Axl?s whistle too!!!!
Second show: Had an after show pass. Apparently there was a miscommunication, and there was no after show set up that night. So after everyone waited for about an hour, security finally told us this. A minute after that, who comes walking by? Axl. I happened to of had the microphone with me, as I?ve been wanting to get it signed. Thank god I had it! Got it signed finally. Now I can leave it safe at home. Oh yeah, got Axl?s whistle for the second day in a row! Nuts!
4th show: Got to hear my absolute favorite song from Chinese?.There Was A Time. I was SO amped to finally hear it live. Also, The Seeker too! Bad ass cover, absolutely LOVE it live and am glad they kept it in the set.
One of the shows in the middle, lol: I got it. I finally got my picture with Axl. I wouldn?t ask him in any private setting, but this time was out in the casino, he was more than happy taking photos with people and BS?ing for a bit. I showed him the tattoo of his signature, and he told me they tattoo guy did an awesome job making it look just like the marker would. He then told me he signed this girl right below her belly button, and she got it tatted in, and he later saw a pic of it. He said he felt SO BAD because her tattoo artist completely fucked it up, and it looked nothing like his signature.
Couple shows after that one: Ran into Axl again just briefly. I showed him the picture of my baby girl Lexa Rose holding his microphone. J He smiled and said ?that?s fucking awesome.?
I can?t forget to mention the Bumble acoustic show with Tony. What an amazing night. I?ve never heard of Tony (sorry, his last name escapes me at the moment), but DAMN, dude can sing!!! I was totally impressed!! They tried to do ?There Was A Time? and Ron forgot most of the words. Haha, I was side stage yelling the words to him and he kept looking to see what I was saying, I kinda like a living, breathing teleprompter. This was supposed to my night off to try and get some rest and recover, haha, but of course I end up at the bar with a bunch of people.
3D show: It was really cool seeing all the cameras around the whole place. I REALLY hope we get to see it eventually.
Second to last. IZZY!!!! Fuck yes! Got to see ?Dead Flowers? AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!
Over the course of all the shows, I met a lot of old friends, and made a lot of new friends. I almost look forward to that part of it just as much as the shows. It?s so cool to meet someone and since your there for the exact same reason, you can talk to them like you?ve known each other for years. I can?t wait to see everyone again. If anyone?s in ever in Vegas again, you probably already have my number, so make sure and hit me up! (My apologies to anyone I met up with the last weekend, I had a million people trying to get a hold of me at the same time before the shows, I finally just got frustrated with my POS phone and stopped replying to everyone. )
I want to give thanks to the band, crew, fellow fans, the Hard Rock and anyone else involved.
I also want to give an EXTRA SPECIAL thanks to my wonderful girlfriend and my parents for putting up with me this insane month, and for all the help with my baby girls. You guys really made this possible for me.
Oh yeah, the last show: While getting ready at my house, a feeling of sadness came over me. I was getting ready for the last time (well, there WILL be more, somewhere, someday) and going to see the last show. I didn?t want the dream to end. I of course loved every minute of it, but I wasn?t animated and cheering and singing like normal. Not because I wasn?t into it, but because I stood there taking it all in and just going over the last month. Funny as it sounds, I did a lot of thinking that night, and came to some very clear realizations about my future, career, family, ect. So while I am completely bummed out today, it lit a fire under my ass to make some serious changes for the better. J But that?s a whole other story.
After the show was over, I had an after show pass, and instead of being in the little after show room with everyone else, I stood out on the balcony and watched them dismantle the stage, silently saying my goodbyes to the month of my dreams and somehow come to terms that reality was coming back very shortly. I did however end it with a bang. Exactly how I ended New Years??..
Until next time my friends!!!!!!! PEACE!!!
Axl is God.
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Re: Your GN'R highlights?
Reply #644 on:
August 07, 2013, 02:35:12 AM »
29 May 1991 Noblesville,Indiana Izzy& NR first time played live-22 July 1992 Indianapolis,Indiana-8 December 2011 Indianapolis,Indiana 3 picks from Ashba -24 May 2013 Pryor,Oklahoma running into Fortus&Ashba at the hotel picks & autographs !!
Hustlers Revenge
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Re: Your GN'R highlights?
Reply #645 on:
August 26, 2013, 11:09:56 PM »
it might have been 1986 or 87? as i recall it was the 1st show gnr played in detroit. state theatre. zodiac mindwarp opened for them. it seems to me that it was during the time that appetite was held up from distribution due to the robt. williams artwork controversy.
anyways, i was maybe 15 at the time and my buddy who drove was blind as a fucking bat but was too vain to ever wear his glasses. so as we were circling woodward ave, around the theatre looking for a parking spot we approach a liquor store on a sidestreet corner and my buddy SLAMS on the brakes. screeching to a stop. directly in front of his car, literally maybe half a foot from disaster is the hairy sonofabitch we were to soon know as slash. he had a bag of booze and a roady with him and he was not pleased.
later, before we went in to see the show, we made our way past the tour bus where duff was talking to some fans. we got to chat a bit with him. he was cool. drunk but polite. laughing. slash came out, recognized us, mumbled something and immediately went back on the bus.
it was a great show. good times. things might have been very different if the brakes were bad.
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Spiral Out.....
Re: Your GN'R highlights?
Reply #646 on:
November 01, 2013, 08:16:06 PM »
It might be this comment from Axl Rose..
"Also, when we talk of great rock duos like Jimmy Page and Robert Plant, John and Paul, Mick and Keith, i like to think of Elton John and Bernie Taupin"
I couldnt agree more..!
Edit: Well.. prob. not my biggest GNR highlight.. but to hear Axl say this, is a highlight.. It shows how much love, knowledge and respect this guy have of genuine music, and the creation of that music.
Last Edit: November 01, 2013, 08:22:03 PM by Nytunz
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Re: Your GN'R highlights?
Reply #647 on:
February 19, 2014, 06:01:27 AM »
when i heard Chinese democracy for the first time ,i knew AXL was back and better than ever
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Re: Your GN'R highlights?
Reply #648 on:
July 13, 2014, 07:33:12 AM »
I love when I am in a random place -- sporting event, State fair, bowling alley, etc. and a Guns N' Roses song comes on.
I feel like I am part of a special club.
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Re: Your GN'R highlights?
Reply #649 on:
July 14, 2014, 10:03:54 AM »
2011: listened to guns n roses for first time (you could be mine and welcome to the jungle), I also became a guns n roses fan.
July 2012: watched my first gnr bootleg (chicago 92), I also wanted to go to the benicassim's show but my parents didn't let me go [come on, it was just 200km from where I was
2013: woke up at 6 AM just to watch slash's stream from hob in las vegas, a lot of cuts because of my bad internet connection, but I dindn't really mind
2014:waiting to see them, hope they come to spain soon
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Re: Your GN'R highlights?
Reply #650 on:
September 08, 2014, 12:35:35 PM »
Quote from: One.In.A.Million on June 18, 2012, 09:58:10 PM
My highlights are seeing Guns N' Roses 30 times since 2006, my first show was Rock In Lisbon way back on the 27th May 2006. Seeing Axl and the band for the first time was unbelievable, and every show since then has been an excercise in chasing "that" high. Seeing GN'R in 8 different countries, England - Scotland - Ireland - Portugal - France - Holland - US - Canada. Meeting Ron Thal first in Las Vegas in 2006, and then again 2 years later in 2008. Meeting Duff Mckagan in 2011, in my hometown Birmingham. And meeting the one and only Frank Ferrer, in Newcastle before GN'Rs show this year in 2012.
I became a fan of GN'R in early 2004, when a friend introduced me via a tape cassette player at school. Since then, I've been hooked and it's been one hell of a ride over the last 8 years. Guns N' Roses are my life and they mean absolutely everything to me, and I'm sure other GN'R fans can understand my passion for this band.
Here's to the last 8 years, and here's also to the fantastic years to come.
All my GN'R shows attended...
Rock In Rio, Portugal, Lisbon, 27th May 2006
Hammersmith Apollo, London, UK, 7th June 2006
Download Festival, Donnington Park, UK, 11th June 2006
Bercy Arena, France, Paris, 20th June 2006
Hallam FM Arena, Sheffield, UK, 18th July 2006
SECC Arena, Scotland, Glasgow, 21st July 2006
MEN Arena, Manchester, UK, 23rd July 2006
NEC Arena, Birmingham, UK, 25th July 2006
Nottingham Ice Centre, Nottingham, UK, 27th July 2006
Wembley Arena, London, UK, 29th July 2006
Wembley Arena, London, UK, 30th July 2006
The Joint, Hard Rock Hotel, Las Vegas, US, 16th September 2006
The Joint, Hard Rock Hotel, Las Vegas, US, 17th September 2006
Air Canada Centre, Toronto, Canada, 28th January 2010
Reading Festival, UK, Little Johns Farm, 27th August 2010
Leeds Festival, UK, Bramham Park, 29th August 2010
02 Arena, Ireland, Dublin, 1st September 2010
Bercy Arena, France, Paris, 13th September 2010
Zenith Arena, France, Lille, 2nd October 2010
02 Arena, England, London, UK, 13th October 2010
02 Arena, England, London, UK, 14th October 2010
LG Arena, England, Birmingham, UK, 17th October 2010
MEN Arena, England, Manchester, UK, 18th October 2010
Dublin 02 Arena, Ireland, 17th May 2012
Nottingham, Capital FM Arena, UK, 19th May 2012
Newcastle, Metro Radio Arena, UK, 23rd May 2012
Birmingham, LG Arena, UK, 26th May 2012
Manchester, MEN Arena, UK, 29th May 2012
Rotterdam, Holland, Ahoy Arena, 4th June 2012
Paris, France, Omnisports Arena, 5th June 2012
Wow! Makes me feel puny! I have only seen them 20x since 2006- that's when I re- fell in love with the band. I had seen the legendary 1991 4 hour Greensboro show with the mostly original line-up. I was ver reluctant to accept the new line-up but then I saw them in Greensboro 2006' - now as an adult I had the means to see them ever they went- Mexico-Canada-UK- Atlantic City- always waiting hours to ensure being in the front row- The best show being London O2 in 10' & having Duff appear 1- foot in front of me on "you could be mine"- Axl was the the most intense & vicious that nite it was astonishing! Caught 2 Drumsticks in Canada & heard "TWAT" one of the few times it was played- -
Also talked with Beta before the show & talked mostly about Axl- -Amazing!so glad I got to see the original lineup 1x at least & that show happened to b legendary. I can't wait for the next round!!
Greensboro 91'
Greensboro 06'
Monterrey 07'
Hamilton, 09'
London, 09'
UK, 10'
SC 10'
SC 10'
UK 10'
SC 10'
O2' 10'
SC 10'
O2 Arena UK, 10'
Birmingham, UK 10'
ice cream sand pig
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Re: Your GN'R highlights?
Reply #651 on:
November 16, 2014, 05:26:27 PM »
My defining GNR highlight was the day CD was released. I waited very impatiently for it a long time. My obsession with GNR and CD definitely rubbed off on my close friends so we all went to grab a copy the morning of the release. We spent the day at the park because I was homeless at the time and that was basically where I lived (in my car). We took turns playing it really loud on our car stereos. A friend of mine that was always a pretty macho dude actually teared up when he saw me finally get the album because he knew how much it meant to me. He even went out of his way to buy an ounce of weed for the occasion so we could smoke as much as we wanted to. I ended up somehow spraining my ankle among all the excitement. Still though, it was one of the most epic days I have ever known. Our group emitted a sort of "something incredible is happening here" feeling and lots of random people were drawn to that so the amount of people hanging out with us ended up being pretty substantial. Everyone listening to it with us at that release party seemed to think it was a really great record. Who knows how many times we actually listened to it that day, it was a lot though.
The CD continued to inspire me for a very long time. I must have been the most inspired homeless person on the planet! Still listen to it all the time, especially when I need to muster up the energy needed to turn homework in on time.
Last Edit: November 16, 2014, 05:28:59 PM by redneckrudy
anonymous communication sucks like a pleco
trolls spin webs i squirm like a gecko
noticed from the get go that my ego doesn't let go
mad like POTUS, less privelleged, more ghetto
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Re: Your GN'R highlights?
Reply #652 on:
August 12, 2015, 02:28:41 AM »
First of all... i have 33 yo. When GNR played in my country (Chile) in december 2 of 1992... i had only 10 yo and i was 4 hours of distance... and i had one TV only at home and i cant saw the show days later. (But a friend mine taped and saw everyday)
So... my highlight was saw Axl (Gnr) for first time in Chile on march 2010. I had wating a lot of time. And a earthquake 8.8 destroy a lot of stuff here... (search on YT: Chile 2010 heartquake 8.8 ) i cross my fingers to dont have a cancelled show.
We had the show. And Ax was on stage at 00:20 hrs. Hahahaha the best waiting experience of my entire life, my back was destroyed and in a moments we had to sitdown on the floor.
When Axl started the show was the best of the best. The Arena exploded. Thans to Bach for entertain the wating so...
That nite had a lot of Pro Cams from the crew!!! I hope to see that show again sometime.
And thats it. Now my future highlite is a reunion... Axl/Slash/Duff with that 3 on stage i can die happy.
Sorry the english.
GnR forever. #ImOnTheNightrain
Last Edit: December 17, 2015, 01:27:48 AM by axlvai
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Re: Your GN'R highlights?
Reply #653 on:
December 12, 2015, 10:45:58 AM »
Great story axlvai.
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Re: Your GN'R highlights?
Reply #654 on:
December 13, 2015, 06:50:21 PM »
Ty Dog!. Seems to me i will have the highlite heheheh.... maaaayyybe.
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Re: Your GN'R highlights?
Reply #655 on:
December 16, 2015, 04:50:46 PM »
My GN'R Ultra Highlights
Kick Ass Trolls 2016
● guиs и' яoses ● ● ● ガンズ・アンド・ローゼズ ● ● ● ROBIN IS MAGIC ●
▄█ Pяoکτiτuτe █▄
● H B K ● The Legend Gunner ●
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Re: Your GN'R highlights?
Reply #656 on:
December 17, 2015, 01:30:15 AM »
Quote from: HBK on December 16, 2015, 04:50:46 PM
My GN'R Ultra Highlights
Kick Ass Trolls 2016
I heard one time that the best drug/medicine to kill trolls is ignored them, a little of love works sometimes.
Are you chilean HBK? like me?
Eres chileno HBK? Como yo?
Last Edit: December 17, 2015, 01:33:43 AM by axlvai
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Re: Your GN'R highlights?
Reply #657 on:
January 06, 2016, 05:29:47 AM »
2006 - seeing them for the first time (during the 90-ies my Mum had vetoed - no chance for a 14-16
Year old....) and Izzy entering the stage!
Every live show I was happy enough to see!
2012 - Palma: Dead Flowers with Izzy!! 😝❤️
Oh yes and 5. January: the day hell has frozen over...😉😉😉💃🎸
...We take for granted we know the whole story. We judge a book by its cover and read what we want between selected lines...
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Re: Your GN'R highlights?
Reply #658 on:
January 07, 2016, 03:19:24 AM »
Highlights for me -
First track I ever heard, It's So Easy, a bootleg record that was played in a little rock pub before the release of AFD. Had me hooked and still manage to listen to GN'R every day.
Second highlight is a difficult one as the first time I saw GN'R was at Donnington 1988. As a 14 year old it was exciting seeing them for the first time but, after learning of the tragedy of the fans dying only on getting home, it took away a lot of that.
Manchester 2006 - nearly 2 hours late coming on but blew the place apart. Great gig and the last time I saw them live.
All Aboard..........
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Re: Your GN'R highlights?
Reply #659 on:
February 28, 2016, 01:52:09 PM »
Quote from: Marion68 on June 28, 2009, 04:24:07 PM
Bought my first album in 1990
1992 GNR concert in Cologne
1993 in Cologne
2010 in Antwerpen
2010 in Arnheim
2012 in M?nchengladbach
2008 Chinese Democracy and Axl?s Chat in the forum
Everything about GNR is a highlight ;-)
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