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North America 2006
December 2 - Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center
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Topic: December 2 - Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center (Read 155686 times)
Karma: -1
Posts: 1184
Re: December 2 - Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center
Reply #300 on:
December 04, 2006, 07:25:52 PM »
Quote from: Axlander on December 04, 2006, 07:18:45 PM
Email tickets.com and let them know about this and state you want your money back. Let's get this dude outta the reviewing biz. This man shouldn't have a fuckin' job. I'm doin' it now. (Even though I know it was Axl...but still) That review is completely full of shit!
I thought it was a postive and creative review. The pioneer press review was straight up bullshit though.
2002- Minneapolis, MN
2006- Ames, IA
2006- Minneapolis, MN
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Mr. Redman
Resident Indian
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Re: December 2 - Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center
Reply #301 on:
December 04, 2006, 07:42:15 PM »
Quote from: ipoopie on December 04, 2006, 07:25:52 PM
Quote from: Axlander on December 04, 2006, 07:18:45 PM
Email tickets.com and let them know about this and state you want your money back. Let's get this dude outta the reviewing biz. This man shouldn't have a fuckin' job. I'm doin' it now. (Even though I know it was Axl...but still) That review is completely full of shit!
I thought it was a postive and creative review. The pioneer press review was straight up bullshit though.
I didn't. Either did anyone else that read this, no one agrees with him at my house, or anyone I know from School, etc that read it.
This is what I left on the blog;
Chris, that review was the worst thing I have ever read. Were you drunk at the show? Much less alive in 1986? That was Axl Rose, and people like you are the reason Axl hates the press. You print lies and totally disrespect the fans that paid their hard earned money to go and watch their band perform for them. 9000+ people at the show, and you?re the only knobhead that think that was not Axl Rose. Your review reminds me of something that I would of read in the national enquirer. I can?t believe that the Star Tribune actually wasted paper to print this today, much less employ someone who doesn?t know a thing about the band/concert that you were supposidly reviewing. What was the basis for this ?review?? Are you just pissed off that Axl didn?t rant about the press like he used to back in ?91? Or is it just more so the fact that Axl made more money last month then you?ll ever make in your lifetime? Email me if you?d like a real review of Saturday?s events.
I honestly am extreamly upset with Star Tribune once again, for printing this utter rubbish!
One half of Rock n' Rolls Cheech & Chong.
Karma: -1
Posts: 1184
Re: December 2 - Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center
Reply #302 on:
December 04, 2006, 07:50:45 PM »
Well, what I got out of the review:
If you were expecting the reputed "asshole" axl rose, he did not show.
The reviewer also gave props to the new songs...."those songs were where Rose's Bud really pushed himself vocally, almost as much as the real Axl did back in 1991"
2002- Minneapolis, MN
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Re: December 2 - Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center
Reply #303 on:
December 04, 2006, 07:51:38 PM »
Quote from: Axlander on December 04, 2006, 07:42:15 PM
Quote from: ipoopie on December 04, 2006, 07:25:52 PM
Quote from: Axlander on December 04, 2006, 07:18:45 PM
Email tickets.com and let them know about this and state you want your money back. Let's get this dude outta the reviewing biz. This man shouldn't have a fuckin' job. I'm doin' it now. (Even though I know it was Axl...but still) That review is completely full of shit!
I thought it was a postive and creative review.? The pioneer press review was straight up bullshit though.
I didn't. Either did anyone else that read this, no one agrees with him at my house, or anyone I know from School, etc that read it.
This is what I left on the blog;
Chris, that review was the worst thing I have ever read. Were you drunk at the show? Much less alive in 1986? That was Axl Rose, and people like you are the reason Axl hates the press. You print lies and totally disrespect the fans that paid their hard earned money to go and watch their band perform for them. 9000+ people at the show, and you?re the only knobhead that think that was not Axl Rose. Your review reminds me of something that I would of read in the national enquirer. I can?t believe that the Star Tribune actually wasted paper to print this today, much less employ someone who doesn?t know a thing about the band/concert that you were supposidly reviewing. What was the basis for this ?review?? Are you just pissed off that Axl didn?t rant about the press like he used to back in ?91? Or is it just more so the fact that Axl made more money last month then you?ll ever make in your lifetime? Email me if you?d like a real review of Saturday?s events.
I honestly am extreamly upset with Star Tribune once again, for printing this utter rubbish!
i dont understand you.
but i am morbidly fascinated.
Karma: -1
Posts: 99
sometimes I pee when I poop
Re: December 2 - Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center
Reply #304 on:
December 04, 2006, 07:59:12 PM »
Here's my take on the show which I already posted in the reviews section....mine's a bit more drunken and I have to admit I forgot some parts of the show until I read your review...(that James Brown part was so cool)....anyways, here it is....
The show last night was awesome!! It was a roller coaster marathon of rock n' roll that had me exhausted when I walked out of the Target Center at 2:15 am. I already was nice and buzzed up when the show started at around 8:00 with the Suicide Girls doing their show which was actually pretty sweet ....3 beers and a joint later, Sebastian Bach takes the stage and gets the almost sell out crowd rocking. This guy hasn't lost a thing in 20 years. I was really impressed with his whole show, especially "Youth Gone Wild". 2 more beers and another joint...things start to get fuzzy...Helmet takes the stage and after hearing the first two songs, I decide they kinda suck and decide to stock up on beer and food. While waiting in line for an overpriced sub, some dude comes up and comments on my GNR shirt, the shirt I got in Vegas on their first show back way back on 01-01-01. He asked if I was on the boards at all and I thought that was cool. Always good to see another fanatic. Keep on rockin whoever you were. I get back to my seat just intime to see the last two songs of Helmet. I thought their show was kinda sucky and I think most of the crowd agreed. The most exciting part of that was the fight that broke out right behind me. I saw some dude get punched and fall forward 2 rows of stairs. Then 2 chicks start pushing and shoving. I hadn't seen a catfight in a while, so I thought that was pretty cool. 11:37 the lights dim and the opening riff of "Jungle" bellows throughout the Target Center. The crowd explodes as Axl screams "Do you know where the fuck you are?!?!" The first 5 songs of the show (mostly off Appetite plus "Live and Let Die" were unbelievable...The energy was amazing and I'm surprised Axl's voice sounds awesome...considering he's been sick and shit. The first guitar solo starts and drags on far too long. I notice some Jimi Hendrix in the solo which was pretty cool. After this is when things really get fuzzy. I remember Sweet Child O' Mine starting and I can't help but think that I miss Slash. The solo at the end of the song breaks out and I don't miss Slash anymore, this band rocks the shit out of the song and gets the crowd right back into it. Then the ballads start, the beer and weed slap me in the face and I feel the momentum being dragged down again. I look around and everybody is holding up their cell phones. Axl comments that it looks like a christmas tree in there. Then a piano solo, I think I heard "Angie" that was pretty cool. "November Rain" and "The Blues" come on and the crowd was loving it. The next part of the show was so fucking sweet!! GNR rocked the shit out of "Down on the Farm" and once again, I'm in awe of the overall crowd response. Then came another long drawn out guitar solo...these things were cool in their own way, they just killed the momentum for me. I start to look for water, and get angry I can't find any. Maybe I shouldn't have drank that last beer. Then they picked it back up with "Out ta Get Me" and "You Could be Mine" which were simply amazing. I think to myself this was money well spent. I think the band went into another little jam and I get excited this should be the last little break in the show. Wow, i'm drunk...why'd I drink that last beer? The crowd gets rowdy as they pump through "My Michelle" with Baz (which was awesome) and Nighttrain and walk off stage. After about 2 minutes of the crowd going insane the boys come back onstage with "Chinese Democracy" The pyro was awesome as waves of fire went back and forth behind the band. The crowd went nuts and I was surprised to hear alot of people singing along. "Madagascar" was next and the crowd plateaus through this song in anticipation of "Paradise City". Once PC starts the crowd explodes again. I hear axl going nuts and I can't believe how good his voice sounds. The band played so well together, I couldn't believe it. Compared to the band I saw in Vegas in 2001, it was like night and day. It's like a whole new band now. They played better together, there was more energy, and they blew my mind. After Paradise City concludes with a hail of confetti, explosions, and fire. I have never heard the Target Center so loud in all the shows I've seen there. I apologize, everything was a blur for me, so I might have mixed up the order in the show or something. There were a couple other really cool parts but I can't remember right now. My body aches and I have a nasty hangover. I'm gonna go take a nap.
Karma: -1
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Re: December 2 - Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center
Reply #305 on:
December 04, 2006, 09:40:38 PM »
My pictures from the show.
Are you able to post the pics here? I don't have the ability to download them.
Thousands of GNR fans have died waiting for Chinese Democracy to be released.
Opening Act
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Re: December 2 - Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center
Reply #306 on:
December 04, 2006, 10:28:47 PM »
Quote from: Almost Famous on December 04, 2006, 07:42:15 PM
Quote from: ipoopie on December 04, 2006, 07:25:52 PM
Quote from: Axlander on December 04, 2006, 07:18:45 PM
Email tickets.com and let them know about this and state you want your money back. Let's get this dude outta the reviewing biz. This man shouldn't have a fuckin' job. I'm doin' it now. (Even though I know it was Axl...but still) That review is completely full of shit!
I thought it was a postive and creative review. The pioneer press review was straight up bullshit though.
I didn't. Either did anyone else that read this, no one agrees with him at my house, or anyone I know from School, etc that read it.
This is what I left on the blog;
Chris, that review was the worst thing I have ever read. Were you drunk at the show? Much less alive in 1986? That was Axl Rose, and people like you are the reason Axl hates the press. You print lies and totally disrespect the fans that paid their hard earned money to go and watch their band perform for them. 9000+ people at the show, and you?re the only knobhead that think that was not Axl Rose. Your review reminds me of something that I would of read in the national enquirer. I can?t believe that the Star Tribune actually wasted paper to print this today, much less employ someone who doesn?t know a thing about the band/concert that you were supposidly reviewing. What was the basis for this ?review?? Are you just pissed off that Axl didn?t rant about the press like he used to back in ?91? Or is it just more so the fact that Axl made more money last month then you?ll ever make in your lifetime? Email me if you?d like a real review of Saturday?s events.
I honestly am extreamly upset with Star Tribune once again, for printing this utter rubbish!
Do you really believe that he thought that wasn't Axl? I would be willing to bet you are the only person on this site that couldn't see the point of that review.
Mr. Redman
Resident Indian
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Posts: 2948
Re: December 2 - Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center
Reply #307 on:
December 04, 2006, 11:20:30 PM »
No but still, that review was a total waste of webspace and paper they printed it on. A few radio stations picked up on this and actually thought it wasn't Axl..
One half of Rock n' Rolls Cheech & Chong.
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Re: December 2 - Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center
Reply #308 on:
December 05, 2006, 01:47:47 AM »
Quote from: Almost Famous on December 04, 2006, 07:18:45 PM
Email tickets.com and let them know about this and state you want your money back. Let's get this dude outta the reviewing biz. This man shouldn't have a fuckin' job. I'm doin' it now. (Even though I know it was Axl...but still) That review is completely full of shit!
Seriously whats the big deal? No need to try and get him fired.
Opening Act
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Here Today...
Re: December 2 - Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center
Reply #309 on:
December 05, 2006, 03:16:18 AM »
I got a bunch of shit to say. First of all. Axlander I saw your sebastian bach video on youtube...good shit. I was in section 130 row J I had the appetite shirt on and a hat with a clover on it. I was pretty drunk, but mingling with the whole crowd. I didn't think a lot of people knew don't cry when they heard it so i started singing it. Then i started dancing with the old lady for the last 20 minutes. I was 1 of 2 people leading the attack down the stairs when both the security guards came after us. We were gonna try and jump onstage, but oh well. Detox/Jail woulda been worth meeting Axl. Second of all I called that chris faggot from star tribune today and reemed his ass out...he said it was all a joke and dadadada, but he's an ass so fuck him. He wouldn't let me talk to his supervisor about it haha. Anyways....
If anyone else was on the isle of section 130/129 let me know if u saw me or reckognize me by my description.....it was a FUCKING GREAT concert. 10 times better than the one in 02' and i can't wait for them to come back.
Mr. Redman
Resident Indian
Karma: 0
Posts: 2948
Re: December 2 - Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center
Reply #310 on:
December 05, 2006, 12:25:30 PM »
I think I saw you...not sure though, I saw a few AFD shirts there.
One half of Rock n' Rolls Cheech & Chong.
Karma: 0
Posts: 400
i wasn't complaining!
Re: December 2 - Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center
Reply #311 on:
December 05, 2006, 12:38:02 PM »
Quote from: TxpxV on December 05, 2006, 03:16:18 AM
Second of all I called that chris faggot from star tribune today and reemed his ass out...he said it was all a joke and dadadada, but he's an ass so fuck him. He wouldn't let me talk to his supervisor about it haha. Anyways....
yes... he's the ass.
the dude wrote a nice, and positive, review of a gnr show. why do you guys have beef with him?
Karma: -1
Posts: 1149
Re: December 2 - Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center
Reply #312 on:
December 05, 2006, 06:23:57 PM »
Quote from: Almost Famous on December 04, 2006, 07:42:15 PM
Quote from: ipoopie on December 04, 2006, 07:25:52 PM
Quote from: Axlander on December 04, 2006, 07:18:45 PM
Email tickets.com and let them know about this and state you want your money back. Let\'s get this dude outta the reviewing biz. This man shouldn\'t have a fuckin\' job. I\'m doin\' it now. (Even though I know it was Axl...but still) That review is completely full of shit!
I thought it was a postive and creative review. The pioneer press review was straight up bullshit though.
I didn\'t. Either did anyone else that read this, no one agrees with him at my house, or anyone I know from School, etc that read it.
This is what I left on the blog;
Chris, that review was the worst thing I have ever read. Were you drunk at the show? Much less alive in 1986? That was Axl Rose, and people like you are the reason Axl hates the press. You print lies and totally disrespect the fans that paid their hard earned money to go and watch their band perform for them. 9000+ people at the show, and you?re the only knobhead that think that was not Axl Rose. Your review reminds me of something that I would of read in the national enquirer. I can?t believe that the Star Tribune actually wasted paper to print this today, much less employ someone who doesn?t know a thing about the band/concert that you were supposidly reviewing. What was the basis for this ?review?? Are you just pissed off that Axl didn?t rant about the press like he used to back in ?91? Or is it just more so the fact that Axl made more money last month then you?ll ever make in your lifetime? Email me if you?d like a real review of Saturday?s events.
I honestly am extreamly upset with Star Tribune once again, for printing this utter rubbish!
WOW, I wouldn\'t be surprised if you got sued for plagarizing the words to get in the ring
"This isn't McDonald's or Burger King - it isn't 'Have it your way.'"
- Axl Rose, as cited by Del James
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Re: December 2 - Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center
Reply #313 on:
December 06, 2006, 02:41:22 AM »
he also misquoted Axl. Axl Says " do you know where the fuck you are?!" not whatever this ass clown said.
Mr. Redman
Resident Indian
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Posts: 2948
Re: December 2 - Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center
Reply #314 on:
December 06, 2006, 08:22:50 PM »
Quote from: Danny on December 04, 2006, 09:40:38 PM
My pictures from the show.
Are you able to post the pics here? I don't have the ability to download them.
There they are! Enjoy 'em.
One half of Rock n' Rolls Cheech & Chong.
Karma: -1
Posts: 1184
Re: December 2 - Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center
Reply #315 on:
December 07, 2006, 01:31:24 PM »
Only two pics turned out for me. Loved my seats though!
2002- Minneapolis, MN
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2006- Minneapolis, MN
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Opening Act
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Here Today...
Re: December 2 - Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center
Reply #316 on:
December 07, 2006, 06:46:32 PM »
I see myself in your first pic, i'm in the front row, to the right of the person reaching waaay out.
Karma: -1
Posts: 1184
Re: December 2 - Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center
Reply #317 on:
December 07, 2006, 07:04:03 PM »
Quote from: NickM on December 07, 2006, 06:46:32 PM
I see myself in your first pic, i'm in the front row, to the right of the person reaching waaay out.
Did you get to shake axl's hand? I saw him do that to the people in the front row.
2002- Minneapolis, MN
2006- Ames, IA
2006- Minneapolis, MN
2011- Minneapolis, MN
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Re: December 2 - Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center
Reply #318 on:
December 08, 2006, 05:11:55 PM »
Here are a few short video clips I found on YouTube of the Minneapolis show
I wish I could do it all over again!
Shut the fuck up. Yes, you. Ha!
Karma: -1
Posts: 1184
Re: December 2 - Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center
Reply #319 on:
December 08, 2006, 05:29:04 PM »
The star trib review of the show is really bringing the morans out of the woodwork. Today, KFAN radio's PA & Dubay show actually speculated on whether or not it was an axl impersonator at the show. Both hosts start out by saying GNR is garbage (they play michael mcdonald and hall & oats as bumper music, so their opinion is automatically devoid anyway).Their producer/intern went to the show but he could not verify whether it was axl or not because he said he wasnt a big guns fan, so he could not tell.
I sent them a kind, but stern email clarifying that it was Axl at the show and the review was only creative spin. I included a reminder in the email to stick to sports talk, since both are open fans of hall & oats.
Amazing, one review with a little ironic spin to it and it flies over peoples heads.
2002- Minneapolis, MN
2006- Ames, IA
2006- Minneapolis, MN
2011- Minneapolis, MN
2012- Las Vegas, NV
2012- Las Vegas, NV
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2016- Las Vegas, NV
2016- Chicago, IL
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