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Author Topic: Official AC/DC Thread  (Read 367392 times)
Sk8er boi

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« Reply #60 on: December 21, 2004, 02:51:35 AM »

I don't know, I used to totally love AC/DC a few years ago when I was like 14, but I guess I've kind of grown out of them a bit.  Sure, they rock hard.  But the problem is that they never grow or evolve.  I like it when artists like Metallica take chances and try new things, because it keeps things interesting.  The thing is, when you've already put out perfect albums of straight-ahead hard rock like Highway To Hell and Back In Black, it seems to me to be a little redundant to keep putting out stuff that sounds exactly the same; it just tends to pale in comparision.  I know, I know, the whole point of AC/DC is that they never change, they're just plain simple rock 'n' roll.  And I still like to put on Acca Dacca when I just want to do some good simple headbanging.  But I won't be buying this new album.  I already own several copies of it, but with different titles.

I like Blink 182,

Fuck it.

I don't like AC/DC but even I can tell they are a million times better than 'Blink 182'.

Blink rocks!  They're the second-best band out there today (after Green Day).  Both bands are good, but they're sort of different types of music.  One thing I like about Blink is that they're expanding their artistic palette, something that AC/DC never could do, even if they are better players (Travis notwithstanding).
Pryor Murphy

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« Reply #61 on: December 21, 2004, 07:45:41 AM »

All I know is that the Warp Brothers have done a Thunderstruck techno version few years back...  Cry

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« Reply #62 on: December 21, 2004, 09:35:16 AM »

really:S I need to find out what album it is but I cant seem 2 find it at all

EEEERRRR Little boy

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« Reply #63 on: April 13, 2005, 04:52:44 PM »

This is for news on the album and news surrounding the band..Theres been alot of updates on the new album so i decided to make a topic..

Launch Radio Networks reports: AC/DC leaders Angus and Malcolm Young have been working on the band's new record for quite a while, and now we know why ? it might be a double album! Singer Brian Johnson said the Youngs are "ensconced" in a U.K. studio, and that they just keep writing new material. "I think, and I might be speaking out of turn, but I think they're doing a double, with the amount of songs ? I've been over a couple of times with the boys and added ideas on 46 tunes we had, and they've been working since then!"

Johnson isn't sure whether the album will come out this year or next, but he did say the band will tour when it comes out.

I Dont Want To Change The World,I Dont Want The World To Change Me

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« Reply #64 on: April 13, 2005, 04:57:55 PM »

 According to a post at AC/DC Ruff Stuff, a new AC/DC DVD and book, entitled "Inside AC/DC", is scheduled for release on May 9. The disc, which will only play on European Region 2 or multi-region DVD players, features rare archive footage and commentary from renowned critics.

As previously reported, AC/DC frontman Brian Johnson recently told Launch Radio Networks that the group's upcoming record might be a double album. Johnson said AC/DC leaders Angus and Malcolm Young are "ensconced" in a U.K. studio, and that they just keep writing new material. "I think, and I might be speaking out of turn, but I think they're doing a double, with the amount of songs ? I've been over a couple of times with the boys and added ideas on 46 tunes we had, and they've been working since then!" he said.

Johnson isn't sure whether the album will come out this year or next, but he did say the band will tour when it comes out.

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« Reply #65 on: April 16, 2005, 05:44:09 PM »


Excuse me standing on one leg, I'm half-caste. Explain yuself wha u mean when u say half-caste, u mean when picasso, mix red and green is a half caste canvas?
« Reply #66 on: April 16, 2005, 07:45:16 PM »

"People have accused us of making the same album ten times.? Well that's just a bloody lie.? We've made the same album thirteen times!"? ?-? ?Angus Young

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You're In The Jungle Toronto,You're Gonna Dieee

« Reply #67 on: April 16, 2005, 09:03:16 PM »

lol nice quote..Gotta love there sound

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« Reply #68 on: April 19, 2005, 08:55:06 AM »

The new "Family Jewels" Dvd is just amazing, it makes me miss Bon Scott Cry
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« Reply #69 on: April 19, 2005, 06:51:21 PM »

cant understand why these guys are not awarded like.......awards because if it wasnt for them alot of rock we know wouldnt have gotten anywhere.

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You're In The Jungle Toronto,You're Gonna Dieee

« Reply #70 on: April 19, 2005, 09:25:37 PM »

I agree..Same goes for Lynyrd Skynyrd i think..AC/DC is amazing

I Dont Want To Change The World,I Dont Want The World To Change Me
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« Reply #71 on: April 21, 2005, 01:11:25 PM »

and all that crap about same album thing. Well its selling so the critics can suck on pure power.

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im rickjames bitch
« Reply #72 on: April 21, 2005, 09:10:28 PM »

has any1 seen that thunderstruck movie? or is that movie only in Australia?

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« Reply #73 on: April 24, 2005, 09:11:07 AM »

I think that only the Brian Johnson era got repetitive.  Most of the songs sound the same.  Not so much with Bon.  I also have the Family Jewels album.  Great stuff.  Although the 2nd disc with Brian is kinda disappointing.  They would record videos for songs on the same day, in the same setting.  Bon was much better, in videos and on albums.

Why's everybody so obsessed with the album?  Can't you just be happy that Axl gets to hang out with rich fashion designers? -MotherGooseLuvR

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« Reply #74 on: April 24, 2005, 01:23:35 PM »

Bon is definitely a better singer/frontman, but I like Brian too.  Although his voice sounds really really raspy on the newest stuff, he still gets the job done.  Bon was better though.

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You're In The Jungle Toronto,You're Gonna Dieee

« Reply #75 on: April 24, 2005, 04:17:36 PM »

AC/DC frontman Brian Johnson was interviewed by Eddie Trunk on the "Friday Night Rocks" show on New York's Q104.3 FM this past Friday (April 22). Several excerpts from the interview follow:

On the status of the new AC/DC studio album:

"We should be getting together pretty soon. I've already been with Mal [Malcolm Young, guitar] and Ang [Angus Young, guitar] and we've run a few tunes by each other, and it's sounding great. I think Mal said it best when he said, 'We don't wanna just bring out another album.' It's gotta be something really? It's gotta be perfect. And now him and Angus are really working hard to get something so special. I've been in the studio and I sang a few of the songs with the boys, a couple of little teasers, and I've gotta tell you, I was knocked out with the stuff they were coming up with."

On whether there is any truth to the report that the upcoming CD may be a double:

"I said the other day to somebody, I said, 'Jesus, we've written enough songs, it could be a box set.' And Sony Records got on the phone and said, 'Don't ever say that. Don't ever say that again.' [Laughs] 'These people will be expecting one.' I said, 'I was kidding.' I think it's basically the fact that the guys wanted as much down as possible just so we could pick some gems out. And the great thing is, there'll be a load of songs left over for something in the future ? you never know."

On when he expects to begin recording the new AC/DC album:

"I haven't got a specific date, but I just know that once we start, it's like an avalanche ? we just start moving, and we move quick and fast. But we do want it to be good. And I know Malcolm and Angus have stressed that they want it to be perfect ? they want everybody to have a great show, great songs? It's tough to put your finger on it, but we just want it to be good. Nobody goes in the studio to do a bad album ? nobody. But this time they're looking for a 100 percent guarantee of a great album."

On which studio they will use to record the new album:

"I don't know where we're gonna record it ? you know, there's so many great studios. Last time [for 2000's 'Stiff Upper Lip'] we did in Vancouver, 'cause it was a fabulous little studio, Bryan Adams' studio [Warehouse]. He's got a great studio up there which isn't digital, which gives you lovely warm sounds ? it's analog and it's fabulous. We had a great time there, so I'm hoping we go back, but you never know ? there's always another deal coming in from somebody else who's got a great studio, so you've just gotta keep your eyes and ears open."

On which producer they will use for the upcoming CD:

"I haven't got a clue. George, I love George ? George Young, the boys' [Angus' and Malcolm's] brother. He's lovely. He's just great, he gets the best out of us, but so does 'Mutt' Lange, but I know Mutt wants to try to keep away from the scene as much as possible with his lovely wife. But let's put it this way: That's the short list. And it doesn't get any better than that."

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« Reply #76 on: May 11, 2005, 10:01:06 AM »

According to a post at AC/DC Ruff Stuff, the release date of the new AC/DC DVD and book, entitled "Inside AC/DC", has been postponed from the previously announced May 9 to sometime in August. The disc, which will only play on European Region 2 or multi-region DVD players, features rare archive footage and commentary from renowned critics.

As previously reported, AC/DC frontman Brian Johnson recently told Eddie Trunk of the "Friday Night Rocks" show on New York's Q104.3 FM that the band will begin recording their new album soon for a tentative late 2005/early 2006 release. "I've already been with Mal [Malcolm Young, guitar] and Ang [Angus Young, guitar] and we've run a few tunes by each other, and it's sounding great. I think Mal said it best when he said, 'We don't wanna just bring out another album.' It's gotta be something really? It's gotta be perfect. And now him and Angus are really working hard to get something so special. I've been in the studio and I sang a few of the songs with the boys, a couple of little teasers, and I've gotta tell you, I was knocked out with the stuff they were coming up with."

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« Reply #77 on: May 22, 2005, 09:30:18 PM »

I REALLY want that song, but I don't want to buy the whole album.  I really don't use limeware or anything.  Can anyone send this song to me if you have it?  That would RULE!   beer

Why's everybody so obsessed with the album?  Can't you just be happy that Axl gets to hang out with rich fashion designers? -MotherGooseLuvR

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« Reply #78 on: May 23, 2005, 01:24:55 AM »

I have the song, but I have no clue as to how to send it to you.               
The board won't let me use a longer name than this!

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« Reply #79 on: May 23, 2005, 04:54:52 AM »

I REALLY want that song, but I don't want to buy the whole album.  I really don't use limeware or anything.  Can anyone send this song to me if you have it?  That would RULE!   beer

go out n' buy the fuckin' album Angry, the whole thing rocks out!! Wink

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