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World Tour 2007
June 10th, 2007 - Perth, WA, Australia @ Burswood Dome
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Topic: June 10th, 2007 - Perth, WA, Australia @ Burswood Dome (Read 18417 times)
If you're reading this, you've just wasted valuable time!
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"You're an idiot"
June 10th, 2007 - Perth, WA, Australia @ Burswood Dome
April 03, 2007, 07:36:53 PM »
Board members attending:
Dead N' Bloated, GOLD RUSH, slashvr86, Stonerose, Tea Swillin' Jack
Current time
Setlist: Welcome To The Jungle, It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Robin Guitar Solo/Jam with Frank and Dizzy, Sweet Child O' Mine, Better, Knockin' On Heaven's Door, You Could Be Mine, Dizzy Piano Solo (Angie), The Blues, Out Ta Get Me, November Rain, IRS, Ron Guitar Solo (Don't Cry), My Michelle (with Sebastian Bach), Liquor & Whores (with Bubbles), Patience, Nightrain
Encores: Paradise City
Last Edit: June 12, 2007, 11:09:15 AM by jarmo
My posts are my personal opinion. I do not speak on behalf of anybody else unless I say so. If you are looking for hidden meanings in my posts, you are wasting your time...
Dead N' Bloated
Karma: -2
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Too many times to make it home.
Re: June 10th, 2007 - Perth, WA, Australia @ Burswood Dome
Reply #1 on:
April 03, 2007, 10:55:40 PM »
Me with Bells on
10/06/07 Perth
13/06/07 ADL
15/06/07 MELB
16/06/07 MELB
19/06/07 BRIS
20/06/07 BRIS
23/06/07 SYD
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Re: June 10th, 2007 - Perth, WA, Australia @ Burswood Dome
Reply #2 on:
April 05, 2007, 11:51:26 PM »
Me definately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Opening Act
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Re: June 10th, 2007 - Perth, WA, Australia @ Burswood Dome
Reply #3 on:
April 18, 2007, 12:25:30 PM »
Do they even allow moshing at the Burswood?
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Re: June 10th, 2007 - Perth, WA, Australia @ Burswood Dome
Reply #4 on:
April 25, 2007, 04:38:29 AM »
already got my tickets in the presale, gold general admission should be sweet
Re: June 10th, 2007 - Perth, WA, Australia @ Burswood Dome
Reply #5 on:
April 29, 2007, 04:31:33 AM »
I'll be there, prob just the grand stand though
Opening Act
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Re: June 10th, 2007 - Perth, WA, Australia @ Burswood Dome
Reply #6 on:
May 24, 2007, 08:21:03 AM »
Yep got my tickets, will be there with my buddies! Can't wait, i still have my un - used 1993 tickets to the Sydney show that i never got to use, so i'm hanging for this one. Never thought Gunners would ever come to Perth, farken awesome! See you there :p
Dead N' Bloated
Karma: -2
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Too many times to make it home.
Re: June 10th, 2007 - Perth, WA, Australia @ Burswood Dome
Reply #7 on:
May 24, 2007, 08:01:49 PM »
Quote from: GOLD RUSH on May 24, 2007, 08:21:03 AM
Yep got my tickets, will be there with my buddies! Can't wait, i still have my un - used 1993 tickets to the Sydney show that i never got to use, so i'm hanging for this one. Never thought Gunners would ever come to Perth, farken awesome! See you there :p
Right On dude. The Aus tour opener I think will be one of the best.
10/06/07 Perth
13/06/07 ADL
15/06/07 MELB
16/06/07 MELB
19/06/07 BRIS
20/06/07 BRIS
23/06/07 SYD
24/06/07 SYD
04/12/10 SYD
12/03/13 SYD
13/03/13 NEWCASTLE
20/03/13 BRIS
...and then some
Karma: -3
Posts: 249
Re: June 10th, 2007 - Perth, WA, Australia @ Burswood Dome
Reply #8 on:
June 11, 2007, 12:52:09 PM »
My, my Axl, how things have changed. It was almost bang on 11 o'clock when that familiar other-worldy wail came bouncing across the darkness. "Do you know where the f**k you are?". Well yes, but did Guns N' Roses know what time it was? With a reputation for being notoriously late, perhaps Axl Rose and his band of seven were trying to get off on the right foot as they kicked off the Australian leg of their Chinese Democracy World Tour.
Flanked by a pair of guitarists that looked alarmingly like Rose's former band mates Slash and Izzy Stradlin, the corn-rowed rocker got the show underway with notorious party-starter "Welcome To The Jungle". As fire shot to the heavens the 45-year-old singer proved he still had those serpent-like moves slithering his hips and inviting the crowd to "feel my, my, my serpentine."
A far cry from the bike pant-sporting, bandanna-wearing firecracker that shook the rock world to it's foundations in the 80s and early 90s, Axl Rose circa 2007 is a far more low-key character. His once explosive energy has subsided somewhat and the stage set-up has been stripped back accordingly. Gone are the huge ramps and abundance of space to run around. The wardrobe has changed too with Rose sporting some stylishly cut jeans, a black leather jacket and dark sunglasses. His once slender frame, now a hell of a lot more burly.
Still Rose's desire to entertain hasn't changed and he certainly seemed to be having fun as the band reeled of a list of classics, "It's So Easy", "Mr Brownstone" and "Live And Let Die". Four songs in Rose breathlessly addressed the sea of black t-shirts. "You sure know how to make people feel welcome," he drawled. That was it? No abuse. No swearing. No tantrums. It was almost hard to imagine that this genial figure was the same temperamental rock star who is famed for both his on-stage and off-stage tantrums. It was Rose minus attitude.
It wasn't as if Rose didn't have reason to vent a little anger. As usual the sound quality at Burswood Dome was beyond appalling. Teamed with an abominable sound mix it ruined many moments. In particular "You Could Be Mine" and new songs like "Better" sounded muddy, with the vocals barely audible over the wash of guitars and floor-pounding drums. It was hard to tell just how good Rose sounds these days. He certainly doesn't have the range he once had and at times his high notes sounded almost comical. Racing around the stage certainly didn't help matters and Rose delivered a far better vocal performance when sitting at his piano for "November Rain".
While Rose did his best, there was no doubt many were unfavourably comparing the show to the sensational prospect of seeing Guns N' Roses at their peak. In particular the absence of charismatic guitar legend Slash was sorely felt and the most competent replacement, Richard Fortus, had to share those killer guitar riffs with far two far inferior guitarists. At one stage Rose stalked on stage ahead of the rest of the band and jokingly asked "where did my band go?". Unfortunately they left a long time ago....
There were plenty that left early, but when you consider the show spanned more than two hours wrapping up a little after 1am, that is too be expected. Still it cost them two of the night's highlights "Nightrain" and show stopper "Paradise City".
As ticket tape shot into the air, Rose and his band stepped on stage for a bow. Taking the microphone Rose acknowledged that people questioned his sincerity "for doing this" but as he earnestly thanked the crowd for their reception he sounded 100 per cent genuine.
Debate began raging as soon as we were spat out of the Dome with one unhappy punter claiming the sensation of being forcefully blown from the building was: "the best part of the night". No doubt there will be many mixed opinions and debate will continue for years to come, but while Guns N' Roses are no longer the band they once were, musically or physically, there is no denying that in his hey day Axl Rose was one of the best rock frontmen ever. Therefore to see him live is to see a living legend in action. It's just a shame that things have to change.
Old Fan of Guns N ' Roses - "That is not dead which can eternal lie / And with strange aeons even death ..."
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Posts: 4986
Re: June 10th, 2007 - Perth, WA, Australia @ Burswood Dome
Reply #9 on:
June 11, 2007, 08:38:31 PM »
Thsi Show Was
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