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Author Topic: anyone else notice...  (Read 29584 times)

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« Reply #40 on: August 10, 2007, 01:49:35 PM »

Jarmo, where do you get this crap from? The album Libertad does not motivate you enough to put lyrics up and unfortunately you heard some of the album? What do you think Chinese Democracy is gonna be some Holy Grail? The best album ever made? Get to reality, I used to think like that CD was gonna be unbeilevable best album ever madeThis is just a mess, not even going to attempt to clean it up Then I heard the leaks, which are nothing special. The song Chinese Democracy is boring, bad lyrics.Catcher in the Rye is way to long.? I.R.S. is repetitive, very bad lyrics. The only song that caught my attention was There Was a Time. Better is to mechanical and industrial rock. So if you're gettin your hopes up for the best album ever I'd get them down cause it ain't gonna happen. Why do you think it's taken so long. Even record officals told him to make some changes on the album and he did it so the songs cant be that great. And as well, get some English classes. Who do you think you are telling people to fuck off. I know it's your site but have some manners for people.

Fixed.? I went easy.? ?More than 50 mistakes in a SINGLE post and you're telling Jarmo to get English lessons!!

If anything, you're entertaining.?

Please be sure that your topic is on the "allowed" list before posting.

Only 23% of my posts get removed!

What leaks??
Mr. Redman
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« Reply #41 on: August 10, 2007, 11:12:46 PM »

Jarmo, where do you get this crap from? The album Libertad does not motivate you enough to put lyrics up and unfortunately you heard some of the album? What do you think Chinese Democracy is gonna be some Holy Grail? The best album ever made? Get to reality, I used to think like that CD was gonna be unbeilevable best album ever madeThis is just a mess, not even going to attempt to clean it up Then I heard the leaks, which are nothing special. The song Chinese Democracy is boring, bad lyrics.Catcher in the Rye is way to long.  I.R.S. is repetitive, very bad lyrics. The only song that caught my attention was There Was a Time. Better is to mechanical and industrial rock. So if you're gettin your hopes up for the best album ever I'd get them down cause it ain't gonna happen. Why do you think it's taken so long. Even record officals told him to make some changes on the album and he did it so the songs cant be that great. And as well, get some English classes. Who do you think you are telling people to fuck off. I know it's your site but have some manners for people.

Fixed.  I went easy.   More than 50 mistakes in a SINGLE post and you're telling Jarmo to get English lessons!!

If anything, you're entertaining. 

I believe you have just made the single best post on an internet message board, EVER!

One half of Rock n' Rolls Cheech & Chong.
Mr. Redman
Resident Indian

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« Reply #42 on: August 10, 2007, 11:22:54 PM »

Fixed.  I went easy.   More than 50 mistakes in a SINGLE post and you're telling Jarmo to get English lessons!!

If anything, you're entertaining. 

I believe you have just made the single best post on an internet message board, EVER!

And he even missed a few.  I notice he didn't change any of the "to"s to "too"s.  He was being nice.  Smiley

I noticed that myself actually, but with that aside, it's the best post in a while.

One half of Rock n' Rolls Cheech & Chong.

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Here Today...

« Reply #43 on: August 10, 2007, 11:29:03 PM »

Yeah there's a few more I could have changed.   But I can't take the credit, if it wasn't for Bart123's brilliance I would have had nothing to work with. 

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Only 23% of my posts get removed!

What leaks??
Swimmin' in my ability

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Carbon monoxide

« Reply #44 on: August 11, 2007, 09:39:28 AM »

if it wasn't for Bart123's brilliance I would have had nothing to work with.?

Whatever happened to that guy??

They say of the Acropolis where the Parthenon is....
fuckin crazy

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« Reply #45 on: August 11, 2007, 10:05:41 AM »

He probably recognized his brilliance and realized we are all fools.hihi

i got lit last night, and I got lit the night before ... I'm drinkin' heavily and I will git lit some more
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« Reply #46 on: August 26, 2007, 03:53:49 AM »

I just don't feel motivated to promote an album that doesn't interest me at all.

Maybe I'll add those masterpiece lyrics one day, maybe I won't.


That's so fuckin' selfish. What about the kids who wanna read these lyrics just out of curiosity?

Where's Axl?
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« Reply #47 on: August 26, 2007, 04:39:19 AM »

I just don't feel motivated to promote an album that doesn't interest me at all.

Maybe I'll add those masterpiece lyrics one day, maybe I won't.


That's so fuckin' selfish. What about the kids who wanna read these lyrics just out of curiosity?

they could buy the album and read the insert.

or go to a velvet revolver site.

those poor children, so few ways they can read their favorite velvet revolver lyrics because of that mean webmaster of that one website about GnR  Roll Eyes
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Not sorry.

« Reply #48 on: August 26, 2007, 05:15:50 AM »

Instead of ading Libertad's lyrics, Jarmo should erase the Contraband ones.

This is a GN'R site, not a VR one.

Or maybe all of you fucking whiners should go and create your own site, dedicted to whatever the fuck you like.

You're not forced to be here.

You know where to put your 'just shut up and sing'.
Long live GN'R.
Loaded NightraiN
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« Reply #49 on: August 26, 2007, 07:19:22 AM »

I just don't feel motivated to promote an album that doesn't interest me at all.

Maybe I'll add those masterpiece lyrics one day, maybe I won't.


That's so fuckin' selfish. What about the kids who wanna read these lyrics just out of curiosity?

Do what I did when I bought albums like TSI, and Lies(before the internet)... Figure them out for themselves   Roll Eyes

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« Reply #50 on: August 26, 2007, 07:35:09 AM »

Now if every generation said that about the next one, where would we be?

Eat cake or Fuck Off.
It's LiberAdZe, bitch!

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« Reply #51 on: August 26, 2007, 12:23:36 PM »

I just don't feel motivated to promote an album that doesn't interest me at all.

Maybe I'll add those masterpiece lyrics one day, maybe I won't.


That's so fuckin' selfish. What about the kids who wanna read these lyrics just out of curiosity?

Oh boohoo, the guy that owns and maintains the website doesn't want to put some information on it.  What a selfish asshole. Cry

For any of the people that want to read about tapeworms, cows and other such things I believe they could find all they need here:

King of comedy

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Here today,gone to hell

« Reply #52 on: August 27, 2007, 03:22:33 AM »

I just don't feel motivated to promote an album that doesn't interest me at all.

Maybe I'll add those masterpiece lyrics one day, maybe I won't.


That's so fuckin' selfish. What about the kids who wanna read these lyrics just out of curiosity?

Do what I did when I bought albums like TSI, and Lies(before the internet)... Figure them out for themselves? ?Roll Eyes

So fuckin' true. I remember the day's when i bought my Appetite and Lies cassette's back in the 80's. Internet already excisted but it was not widely spreaded and well known as these day's. It's easy now to download an album for free and to ask the lyrics/front-back covers on your favourit forum. Now we also have the opportunity to search and find them on google.

Where's Axl?
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Not sorry.

« Reply #53 on: August 27, 2007, 04:28:06 AM »

Then why are you fucking complaining ?

You know where to put your 'just shut up and sing'.
Long live GN'R.
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