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Author Topic: RUMOR: Buckethead/Gnr to perform at Vma's...  (Read 54465 times)
What, me negative?

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« Reply #220 on: August 29, 2006, 06:12:45 AM »

Tommy Stinson (on Buckethead): "You know, he wears a bucket on his head. That?s all I can say about that. And there?s not a lot under it"

How in the fuck is that owning anything? Someone who doesnt stand out on the new songs insulting a guy who does. You sure have one warped definition of 'owning'.

Jim Bob

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« Reply #221 on: August 29, 2006, 06:17:48 AM »

Doesn't eevryone want just a set group if this is serious?? I mean do you want izzy part time, buckethead here n there 3 guitar players too... Look at cd and how many people have been somewhat apart of this group during it's creation... You have huge who probably did ten times more then fortus based on when those leaks were recorded... You have buckethead who isn't in the band anymore either.. is this just some fun jam session or something real.. it's like lets play afd plus some illusions add a song here n there and not release the only album they have been waiting on for ages already..

It should be one band that writes the songs, no constant changing members... Look how much new gnr has changed from 1998-2006

it hasn't been that bad.  Robin, Tommy, and Dizzy have been there since the beginning (aside from Robin's brief departure to tour with NIN), and it was known that Paul never intended to be a full fledged member of the band, so when the tour was going to get underway, they brought on Richard, and he's stayed since then.   Chris has been there since 1999 or so.  Brain since 2000.  Buckethead is major difference as far as I can see.   People like Josh Freese and Paul Tobias, thats no different then Ole Bech or Traci Guns being in GNR before the AFD lineup got together.   GNR has always been a revolving door of musicans, but this time I think they got the right lineup and its here to stay.  smoking

As much as I like buckethead and his contributions to the album, I'd rather it just stay as it is.  Sadly, his image is what made the band appear to be a joke back in 2002.  Not in my eyes, but in the eyes of the critics (who oddly enough sing his praises now that he is gone).   The band has amazing chemistry now and theres no need to alter it.

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« Reply #222 on: August 29, 2006, 06:27:00 AM »

Buckethead coming back would be the best thing bar a reunion of the original lineup

James is right, BH shines on the new stuff, lets have him back for CD

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« Reply #223 on: August 29, 2006, 06:28:09 AM »

as far as the revolving door, it's been that way since the beginning. From AFD to UYI there was at least 2 different members. In an interview around the time of UYI, I remember an interviewer saying to Axl that the band was one member away from a Steely Dan-type situation. His response was that he and Slash were both fans of Steely Dan.

Also, look at who wrote the songs...weren't Chris Webber, West Arkeen, Del James, ets. all considered to be part of the inner circle. The point is, Axl uses any idea if it's good, regardless if that person is in the ?band or not.

Lastly, I remember someone who supposedly "knew" posted that Buckethead had recorded his best stuff ever for Guns n Roses, and that his departure hurt them in many ways....

I like Ron, but Bucket did write the stuff,,,,just get rid of the toy handing out bullshit, during the show. You can do that, later!

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« Reply #224 on: August 29, 2006, 06:29:20 AM »

Buckethead does rock, but then again so does I will be upset if BBF leaves, but I do really wanna hear Bucket play the stuff he wrote for CD live.

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« Reply #225 on: August 29, 2006, 06:57:02 AM »

Now you can lock this topic - GN'R won't be performing on Aug 31st at the VMA.

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« Reply #226 on: August 29, 2006, 06:58:33 AM »

I'm going to say this won't happen, BH is not back and if GNR perform it will be with Ron as will the US tour.

People have been saying BH made this band look like a joke which he did, but it's shit like this that makes this band a joke more than any dude wearing a chicken bucket. This apparent revolving door system with band members is ridiculous and will take much more ridicule from the media, because it no longer makes this a band in my view, where anybody could go at any minute and be replaced by anyone else.

For a start don't fix what isn't broken, and the current lineup works well, why that would all be risked for a guy who is clearly as hot and cold as Axl is, seems madness to me, when we have a perfectly able guitarist already in the band now. It just seems like something or someone is permanently trying to rock the boat with GNR and it's tiring.

Before this tour we had people who claimed they KNEW for a FACT Slash was returning for the shows and nothing happened. Now we have posters saying they KNOW GNR are in negotiations with BH again in time for the VMA's and the US tour. Forgive me if I'm sceptical. ?

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« Reply #227 on: August 29, 2006, 07:00:35 AM »

Now you can lock this topic - GN'R won't be performing on Aug 31st at the VMA.

That date has been scheduled for HnB for ages but the VMA performance rumours have continued in spite of it.

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« Reply #228 on: August 29, 2006, 07:03:21 AM »

Before this tour we had people who claimed they KNEW for a FACT Slash was returning for the shows and nothing happened. Now we have posters saying they KNOW GNR are in negotiations with BH again in time for the VMA's and the US tour. Forgive me if I'm sceptical.   

Exactly. What about the reunion at Download guys?  hihi. Or Rio? Hah.. yeah right.

Anyways.. Bumble does the new songs justice. I dont think many people have even bothered listening to the boots.. probably listened to one and assumed he sucked. Certain people have built up this false vendetta in their head. Honestly, check out TWAT @ Madrid and tell me he sucks. Bumble owns that solo just as well as Bucket would have. And I actually like his Chinese Democracy solo better than Buckets.

Anyways the point is that Buckets long gone. And good riddance. Im getting tickets to see him October 29th... so I don't want him in GNR. Plus, GNR doesn't need to be switching anymore guitarists....

This rumor is based off no facts in the very same way that the reunion rumors were. Topic SHOULD be locked.
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« Reply #229 on: August 29, 2006, 07:03:59 AM »

I hope this isnt true

Don't worry. It isn't.

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« Reply #230 on: August 29, 2006, 07:04:39 AM »

anything's possible.. seeing Buckethead at the vma's would be great, seeing Axl+co. on stage would be great too.. part of me thinks Axl will not be at the vma's, although if he does show, it'll be to hand over an award only..

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« Reply #231 on: August 29, 2006, 07:05:26 AM »

looks like we'll find out thursday!!

for me its saturday!!! Sad

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DT imba

« Reply #232 on: August 29, 2006, 07:06:52 AM »

looks like we'll find out thursday!!

for me its saturday!!! Sad

Naw you'll just sign on and read about it here  ok

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« Reply #233 on: August 29, 2006, 07:07:22 AM »

Now you can lock this topic - GN'R won't be performing on Aug 31st at the VMA.

Dude, I think I speak for many when I say - Stop saying "you can lock this topic". Besides being annoying, we've already know Dizzy is scheduled to play.

As for the rumour - much as many don't like Buckethead, like BBF, etc. This rumour would make sense in many ways. Bumblefoot has always talked as if he is there to fill in and not be a permanent member. The songs on CD were recorded with Buckethead, and by all accounts he will be on the album. If Buckethead left because there was no release date in the near future, it would make sense that he may want to return if things are looking good for a release.

The only thing that doesn't make sense is this "one off" business. If that's wrong info and Buckethead is rejoining, then this all makes sense.

One other thing - Why four warm up shows after you've come off a big tour? Either new songs are being played or some new band member needs to settle in?

I'm not saying I believe this, but you can't discount it, because it makes a lot of sense.

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« Reply #234 on: August 29, 2006, 07:07:55 AM »

I pray to Lord this rumor is not true

I believe Axl is smart enough to know that BH is a joke that can only harm the GNR image that the band has been building through the European Tour. ?
No one in the band wants BH back either imo.

I hope they play on Thursday (not very likely though), but if I see BH joining my fav band on stage, I'll lose the great respect I have for Axl Rose. ?no

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« Reply #235 on: August 29, 2006, 07:11:35 AM »

I'm locking this because it's useless speculation. We will find out soon enough whether it's true or not, although I personnally doubt it very much....

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