I only have their first album (of two, and it took me forever to find it), and I'm already a huge fan of this band. Put simply, this is Canada's answer to early Jag Panzer, and unbelievably, it is about 3/4 as good! Of course, 3/4 of infinity is still really good.
Basically, this band made true metal that had an epic aggression that dwarfs most thrash metal, and most run of the mill black metal these days. Like most 80's pre-grunge metal bands, it had more accessible songs that complemented the heavy moments, but Sword was never a pop band. Interestingly, the band started as a Kiss-clone that later evolved into one of the most underrated "true" metal bands ever. Even Jag Panzer receives recognition today for their latests efforts (which, of course, suck compared to their 80's material)!
Thanks to the internet, matey (
), you too should have a chance to hear Sword. And, if you have their second album, send me a PM please.