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Author Topic: The Biden administration (was: The NEW 2020 Election Thread)  (Read 327313 times)
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« Reply #140 on: July 12, 2020, 06:10:46 AM »

Not unexpected for the law & order president....

To him, people convicted of crimes that he considers hoaxes obviously deserve to be free.... For the rest of the world, just because he says those crimes were hoaxes it doesn't mean it's true.

No matter how much you try to deflect what happened.



Disclaimer: My posts are my personal opinion. I do not speak on behalf of anybody else unless I say so. If you are looking for hidden meanings in my posts, you are wasting your time...

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« Reply #141 on: July 16, 2020, 06:22:16 PM »

"PEACEFUL" protests....

- David Dorn, a retired African American police captain who was killed in St. Louis while protecting a friend’s pawnshop from looters. His death was captured on Facebook Live, during which an onlooker, his voice shaking, cries out, “They just killed this old man at the pawnshop over some TVs … c’mon man, that’s somebody’s granddaddy.” Indeed, Dorn was a father of five and had 10 grandchildren.

- Chris Beaty, an African American former offensive lineman for Indiana University, was shot dead in an alley in Indianapolis after leaving a demonstration that had turned violent.

- Italia Marie Kelly, a 22-year-old black woman in Davenport, Iowa, was shot in the back while getting into her car, trying to escape a protest that had turned into a riot. Her mother, Sharon, tearfully told the local news, “She was here trying to protest peacefully. These idiots just want to take it out of control and bring guns to a situation that don’t need to be here. This needs to stop. It needs to stop now before another mother has to grieve like I do, and cry over her baby gone.”

- Las Vegas Police Officer Shay Mikalonis was shot in the head and gravely injured June 1 on the north Strip during a protest over the death of George Floyd during an arrest in Minnesota. He is paralyzed from the neck down, on a ventilator and unable to speak, according to a family statement released by police.

- More than 700 law enforcement officers have been injured on the job during nationwide protests over the death of George Floyd — with nearly 300 of those among New York’s Finest, according to the Department of Justice and the NYPD.

- During violent protests in Washington, DC, another 60 Secret Service agents and 40 US Park Police were also injured — 22 of those officers hospitalized with serious injuries.

1. I have seen no evidence this shooter was affiliated with BLM. You can't just list every shooting that happened to coincide with the protests, which is the entirety of your list.

2. "Indianapolis police could not confirm if the shooting was connected to downtown demonstrations about George Floyd"

3. Italia Marie Kelly WAS A BLM PROTESTER. Her killer's motives are still unknown.

But yeah, this totally looks like a BLM supporter and not a right wing terrorist:

4. "During an interview with detectives, Samaniego “admitted to police that he had fired a shot but claimed that he was just trying to scare the protesters into leaving and did not even know police were there,” Chief Deputy District Attorney Thomas Moskal said Thursday during a hearing on the separate DUI case."

As always, either out of ignorance of malice, you manage to get the story completely backwards.

5. Wow, so you are just literally coming right out and blaming BLM for every cop who stubbed his toe during those few weeks, huh? No shame..

6. You arrive at that number by including those struck by lighting and who had minor "bruises and abrasions". Fucking please.

Not to mention, this is simply taking the word of the police, who are not an impartial party here. And gives no context as to whether their injuries were a result of their own escalation.

Again, you falsely equate looters with protesters. The protests were peaceful. The only violence came from police committing war crimes that violate the Geneva Convention against them. Trump bombed Assad for using chemical weapons and then uses it against a fucking pastor to STEAL his church for a photo op. You don't give a shit about violence. All you care about is scoring political points.

Here is a list of 635 police violence acts against protesters:

you mean the presser where he openly admitted he had a list of pre-determined press members he was supposed to call on so they could ask him prepared softball questions?

You're talking about the White House daily briefings, right?  rofl

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« Reply #142 on: July 16, 2020, 06:30:31 PM »

Not unexpected for the law & order president....

To him, people convicted of crimes that he considers hoaxes obviously deserve to be free.... For the rest of the world, just because he says those crimes were hoaxes it doesn't mean it's true.

No matter how much you try to deflect what happened.


We must recognize the Fascist implications of this rhetoric. Here's a good overview of the tenets of Fascism from Yale University philosophy professor Jason Stanley:

"1. A mythic past. “Fascism always promises to return us to a mythic past,” Stanley said. For Hitler, that meant returning to the past of the Holy Roman Empire, when Germans ruled over non-Germans; for Mussolini, that meant the Roman Empire itself.

This past is a place where the patriarchy rules supreme, where in-group men are warriors and in-group women are mothers and wives. This past is mythic, Stanley said: it is fake. It never really was, except in the words of fascist politicians.

2. Propaganda. Stanley said fascist politicians always revert to anti-corruption campaigns, even when they themselves are transparently corrupt. He said the Nazis were among the most corrupt regimes in history, plundering the wealth and property of European Jews, and yet still waged a merciless propaganda campaign that promised to rid the continent of corruption supposedly introduced by Jews.

Trump branded Clinton as “Crooked Hillary” and promised to “drain the swamp,” despite his long history of underhanded business and political dealings. Vladimir Putin, the same time that he is reviving mid-20th century Russian fascist thinker Ivan Ilyin, consistently lambasts the European Union as fascist.

3. Anti-intellectualism. “The enemy of fascism is equality,” Stanley said. He said universities are continually attacked by fascist politicians as hotbeds of cultural and political Marxism. He said these politicians uphold a mythical “common man” as always knowing what is right, and deride women and racial and sexual minorities who seek basic equality as in fact seeking political and cultural domination.

4. Hierarchy. As opposed to liberal democracies, which are based on freedom and equality, fascism enshrines a dominant group’s traditions as the unequivocal rule.

5. Victimhood. Throughout fascist politics, the dominant group always portrays itself as victims. Stanley said the Nazis said they were the victims of the minority Jews. He said that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán held an international conference on the persecution of Jews in October 2017, during which he declared that Christians are the most persecuted group in the world.

6. Unreality. Fascist politicians rely on conspiracy theories instead of facts to justify their calls for power. “When ‘Birtherism’ came,” Stanley said, “everyone should have been terrified.”

7. Law and order. The fascist politician promises a regime of law and order not to punish actual criminals, but to criminalize “out groups” like racial, ethnic, religious and sexual minorities. “Right now,” Stanley said, “we’re seeing criminality being written into immigration status” in the United States. He said fascist politicians thrive on launching purportedly specific attacks against certain segments of a population, like “criminal” immigrants or Jews, and then broadening that definition to include the entire group.

8. Sexual anxiety. Stanley said the fascist politician always foments panic around the threat of rape perpetrated by out-group men against in-group women. “The particular threat is rape,” he said, “and then you create fear among people by talking about rape, and then you try to attack people’s diminished sense of traditional manlihood by fomenting fear about sexuality.”

9. Sodom and Gomorrah. Fascist politicians always locate virtue in the countryside and in small towns, and never in cities with their mixtures of people, races, “decadence” and permissiveness.

10. Arbeit macht frei. Fascist politicians identify out groups as lazy, attack welfare systems and labor organizers, and promote the idea that the group on top is hard working, the groups on the bottom are lazy and drains on the state and should be forced to work, ideally for free."

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« Reply #143 on: July 18, 2020, 07:18:07 AM »

It's somewhat telling of how things are at the moment when the things said and done only a few years ago are forgotten. So much bullshit has been said that if Trump was held accountable for everything, nobody could keep up.

Do people still remember he sided with a foreign state against his intelligence community?

How about the birther hoax / witch hunt?


Disclaimer: My posts are my personal opinion. I do not speak on behalf of anybody else unless I say so. If you are looking for hidden meanings in my posts, you are wasting your time...

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« Reply #144 on: July 20, 2020, 08:20:31 AM »

It's somewhat telling of how things are at the moment when the things said and done only a few years ago are forgotten. So much bullshit has been said that if Trump was held accountable for everything, nobody could keep up.

Do people still remember he sided with a foreign state against his intelligence community?

How about the birther hoax / witch hunt?


Most of us do.

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« Reply #145 on: July 20, 2020, 11:53:25 AM »

Secoriya Williamson, Secoriea’s father, also spoke out.
“They say black lives matter,” Williamson said. “You killed your own this time. You killed a child. She didn’t do nothing to nobody.”


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« Reply #146 on: July 20, 2020, 07:28:15 PM »

Secoriya Williamson, Secoriea’s father, also spoke out.
“They say black lives matter,” Williamson said. “You killed your own this time. You killed a child. She didn’t do nothing to nobody.”

No response or defense of your comment, I see. Just toe that line pumping out naked propaganda to incite hatred and push your agenda that just so happens to coincide with the white supremacist narrative of "black on black crime".

You divert from the issue because you cannot directly defend the criminal actions of these violent state-sanctioned thugs, or their degenerate culture. You're conceding the argument in the most cowardly way.

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I think you know where that comes from, guitarcomeon" - Stuff McKracken

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« Reply #147 on: July 21, 2020, 02:02:35 AM »

And now we have Trump using the FBI as his gestapo in Portland in unmarked vans snatching peaceful protesters, but tell me again how the left is the radical socialists marxists.
Dr. Blutarsky

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« Reply #148 on: July 21, 2020, 02:00:01 PM »

And now we have Trump using the FBI as his gestapo in Portland in unmarked vans snatching peaceful protesters, but tell me again how the left is the radical socialists marxists.

If they really were peaceful protests there would be no problem but that isn't what is happening.

From last weekend-

Fires set, fences moved: Police declare Portland protest a riot

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« Reply #149 on: July 21, 2020, 02:51:09 PM »

And now we have Trump using the FBI as his gestapo in Portland in unmarked vans snatching peaceful protesters, but tell me again how the left is the radical socialists marxists.

If they really were peaceful protests there would be no problem but that isn't what is happening.

From last weekend-

Fires set, fences moved: Police declare Portland protest a riot

From the article you posted:

Earlier, militarized federal agents deployed by the president to Portland fired tear gas against protesters again late Friday night as the city's mayor demanded that the agents be removed and as the state's attorney general vowed to seek a restraining order against them.

Federal agents, some wearing camouflage and some wearing dark Homeland Security uniforms, used tear gas at least twice to break up crowds late Friday night.

Essentially, federal agents with no jurisdiction (or permission to operate within the state's bounderies as law enforcement) incited protesters and escalated the situation.

So, a fire was set. One, singular (not "fires", apparently....just the one in the Portland Police Association according to the reports text).  In which no one was actually hurt.

Property destruction is not violence.

It's not warrented, either.  But it does not make the protest "violent".

The police on site reported that, of the thousands of protesters, a dozen or so were throwing shit at them.  They arrested precisely 7 people.

LARGELY, the protests were peaceful.  

And tim's point remains (and you didn't address it): 1) Federal agents have no jurisdiction to deploy without local authorization (which they didn't have). 2) Federal agents were rounding up peaceful protesters.  Portland government is saying it may have been a hundred or more.

But, by all means, keep simping for this administration.  It's a GREAT look and I'm sure it will age well with posterity.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2020, 03:03:04 PM by pilferk » Logged

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« Reply #150 on: July 21, 2020, 03:13:44 PM »

Body found in Minneapolis pawnshop that was torched in George Floyd protests


"We're from Philly, fuckin' Philly. No one likes us, we don't care."

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« Reply #151 on: July 21, 2020, 10:37:01 PM »

That's awful but how does that prove anything you've said? We have no idea who did and neither do the police.

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« Reply #152 on: July 21, 2020, 10:48:31 PM »

And now we have Trump using the FBI as his gestapo in Portland in unmarked vans snatching peaceful protesters, but tell me again how the left is the radical socialists marxists.

If they really were peaceful protests there would be no problem but that isn't what is happening.

From last weekend-

Fires set, fences moved: Police declare Portland protest a riot

From the article you posted:

Earlier, militarized federal agents deployed by the president to Portland fired tear gas against protesters again late Friday night as the city's mayor demanded that the agents be removed and as the state's attorney general vowed to seek a restraining order against them.

Federal agents, some wearing camouflage and some wearing dark Homeland Security uniforms, used tear gas at least twice to break up crowds late Friday night.

Essentially, federal agents with no jurisdiction (or permission to operate within the state's bounderies as law enforcement) incited protesters and escalated the situation.

So, a fire was set. One, singular (not "fires", apparently....just the one in the Portland Police Association according to the reports text).  In which no one was actually hurt.

Property destruction is not violence.

It's not warrented, either.  But it does not make the protest "violent".

The police on site reported that, of the thousands of protesters, a dozen or so were throwing shit at them.  They arrested precisely 7 people.

LARGELY, the protests were peaceful.  

And tim's point remains (and you didn't address it): 1) Federal agents have no jurisdiction to deploy without local authorization (which they didn't have). 2) Federal agents were rounding up peaceful protesters.  Portland government is saying it may have been a hundred or more.

But, by all means, keep simping for this administration.  It's a GREAT look and I'm sure it will age well with posterity.

Even if it were a full on riot it is not a justifiable act. You can't just rip people off the street like this. Have we really reached a point where we are justifying something that happens in totalitarian regimes? Check this video out. He's a journalist and is spot on with what's happened.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2020, 11:22:54 PM by tim_m » Logged

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« Reply #153 on: July 22, 2020, 02:36:02 AM »


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« Reply #154 on: July 22, 2020, 04:03:14 AM »

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« Reply #155 on: July 22, 2020, 04:54:47 AM »
Dr. Blutarsky

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« Reply #156 on: July 22, 2020, 01:53:02 PM »

And now we have Trump using the FBI as his gestapo in Portland in unmarked vans snatching peaceful protesters, but tell me again how the left is the radical socialists marxists.

If they really were peaceful protests there would be no problem but that isn't what is happening.

From last weekend-

Fires set, fences moved: Police declare Portland protest a riot

From the article you posted:

Earlier, militarized federal agents deployed by the president to Portland fired tear gas against protesters again late Friday night as the city's mayor demanded that the agents be removed and as the state's attorney general vowed to seek a restraining order against them.

Federal agents, some wearing camouflage and some wearing dark Homeland Security uniforms, used tear gas at least twice to break up crowds late Friday night.

Essentially, federal agents with no jurisdiction (or permission to operate within the state's bounderies as law enforcement) incited protesters and escalated the situation.

So, a fire was set. One, singular (not "fires", apparently....just the one in the Portland Police Association according to the reports text).  In which no one was actually hurt.

Property destruction is not violence.

It's not warrented, either.  But it does not make the protest "violent".

The police on site reported that, of the thousands of protesters, a dozen or so were throwing shit at them.  They arrested precisely 7 people.

LARGELY, the protests were peaceful.  

And tim's point remains (and you didn't address it): 1) Federal agents have no jurisdiction to deploy without local authorization (which they didn't have). 2) Federal agents were rounding up peaceful protesters.  Portland government is saying it may have been a hundred or more.

But, by all means, keep simping for this administration.  It's a GREAT look and I'm sure it will age well with posterity.

Property destruction is not peaceful. And this has nothing to do with George Floyd. And you're still a swell guy  hihi

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« Reply #157 on: July 22, 2020, 03:07:28 PM »

That's awful but how does that prove anything you've said? We have no idea who did and neither do the police.

"We're from Philly, fuckin' Philly. No one likes us, we don't care."

(Jason Kelce, Philadelphia Eagles, February 8, 2018
The Riddler

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« Reply #158 on: July 22, 2020, 04:22:05 PM »

And now we have Trump using the FBI as his gestapo in Portland in unmarked vans snatching peaceful protesters, but tell me again how the left is the radical socialists marxists.

If they really were peaceful protests there would be no problem but that isn't what is happening.

From last weekend-

Fires set, fences moved: Police declare Portland protest a riot

From the article you posted:

Earlier, militarized federal agents deployed by the president to Portland fired tear gas against protesters again late Friday night as the city's mayor demanded that the agents be removed and as the state's attorney general vowed to seek a restraining order against them.

Federal agents, some wearing camouflage and some wearing dark Homeland Security uniforms, used tear gas at least twice to break up crowds late Friday night.

Essentially, federal agents with no jurisdiction (or permission to operate within the state's bounderies as law enforcement) incited protesters and escalated the situation.

So, a fire was set. One, singular (not "fires", apparently....just the one in the Portland Police Association according to the reports text).  In which no one was actually hurt.

Property destruction is not violence.

It's not warrented, either.  But it does not make the protest "violent".

The police on site reported that, of the thousands of protesters, a dozen or so were throwing shit at them.  They arrested precisely 7 people.

LARGELY, the protests were peaceful.  

And tim's point remains (and you didn't address it): 1) Federal agents have no jurisdiction to deploy without local authorization (which they didn't have). 2) Federal agents were rounding up peaceful protesters.  Portland government is saying it may have been a hundred or more.

But, by all means, keep simping for this administration.  It's a GREAT look and I'm sure it will age well with posterity.

Property destruction is not peaceful. And this has nothing to do with George Floyd. And you're still a swell guy  hihi

And reading comprehension still is not your friend.

Property destruction is not violence.  And the property destruction didn't occur until the federal agents incited and instigated the protesters.  It was also pretty limited in scope. ONE fire (not "fires") and thus.....

Largely the protests were peaceful....see local law enforcement's accounts.

And tim's point remains (and you didn't address it, AGAIN): 1) Federal agents have no jurisdiction to deploy in this situation without local authorization (which they didn't have). 2) Federal agents were rounding up PEACEFUL protesters. Those NOT engaged in any sort of criminal behavior.  They didn't set the fire.  They weren't throwing things at police.  Portland government is saying it may have been a hundred or more.

Should I repeat it all AGAIN?

As for know this how?  Are you a mind reader? Have you extensively interviewed them and discount their testimony based on your vast knowledge of human psychology or do you have some sort of experience in being a human lie detector?

Because the protesters, themselves, will tell you it is absolutely about Floyd, and others like him.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2020, 05:28:11 PM by pilferk » Logged

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« Reply #159 on: July 22, 2020, 08:15:42 PM »

Cops are largely great people who follow the law. Just a few bad apples.

Difference is we all agree that the bad apples need to be weeded out.

For some reason, libs r intent on creating a fake narrative and ignoring the destruction of cities that has taken place in the last several weeks.

You even had George Floyd’s brothers having to come out and publicly plead with people to stop destroying Minn and Houston. And i saw first hand the destruction done all over Philadelphia, mostly in center city.

"We're from Philly, fuckin' Philly. No one likes us, we don't care."

(Jason Kelce, Philadelphia Eagles, February 8, 2018
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