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Dizzy Reed at Cornell Interview
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Topic: Dizzy Reed at Cornell Interview (Read 242865 times)
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Re: Dizzy Reed [on the Cornell campus] semi-interview
Reply #20 on:
January 24, 2006, 05:44:07 AM »
interesting scenario, after CD, reunion perhaps?
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Re: Dizzy Reed [on the Cornell campus] semi-interview
Reply #21 on:
January 24, 2006, 05:52:29 AM »
no , that I dont see, just doesnt add up, wouldnt fit with in at least my mind, or mayb a lot of others. If your gonna go through all the length , time, blood sweat and tear, to create this new vision, I seriousy doubt that after its release he will be ok...were finished now move on heres your pay.beta get slash on the line.......lol, doesnt seem realistic nor what more like will be the case.
Im confident Axl and tommy and robin, and richard, robin , brain, and dizzy, will, embark o this new phase, in the end it wil come down to how successfull will it be, if all goes well, they it will continue, , it will come down to how CD does.
AS Dizzy said, something for everyone, bottom line will determine.
10.16.87 10.23.87 10.30.87 1.31.88 2.2.88 5.9.88 8.16.88 9.15.88
6.17.91 12.9.91 12.10.91,12.13.91
7.18.92 12.5.02 5.12.06 5.14.06 5.15.06 5.17.06 11.17.11 2.10.12 2.15.12
11.9.12 11.10.12 5.24.14
Re: Dizzy Reed [on the Cornell campus] semi-interview
Reply #22 on:
January 24, 2006, 06:45:54 AM »
jameslofton you are right that the answers obviusly indicate he knows nothing.. he even admits.. no more than us. We (not me personally, board members here) critisize the band members when they try and get our hopes up so we can't complain that Dizzy is being honest.
I think we got past the 'disturbing' (as you put it) stage a long time ago. Everyone knows by now that Axl is working on their project now.. the guys have done their parts.. now it's up to Axl. He will call them all when he is ready and until then the band do their own thing.. that's the way it works. Works for Axl... the band have no complaints.. they'll wait and do their own thing until they are given the call. That's the way this band works, so we just have to accept it and wait
What, me negative?
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Re: Dizzy Reed [on the Cornell campus] semi-interview
Reply #23 on:
January 24, 2006, 06:49:28 AM »
Quote from: jimmythegent on January 24, 2006, 05:44:07 AM
after CD, reunion perhaps?
I doubt it. He'll probably hibernate again, or maybe release already finished material. Or maybe do some writing, with the strange life he's had I've always wondered why he never wrote a book or two.
Daddy Cool
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Re: Dizzy Reed [on the Cornell campus] semi-interview
Reply #24 on:
January 24, 2006, 07:15:10 AM »
CD is a team effort, for sure, Dizzy's interview proves that. I'm afraid nobody's involved in this project, not even Axl. I think 'You will hear music this year' meant that Axl will leak the first 17 seconds of IRS. Ridiculous.
'Once there was this Rock 'N' Roll band
Rollin' on the streets
Time went by and it became a joke'
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Re: Dizzy Reed [on the Cornell campus] semi-interview
Reply #25 on:
January 24, 2006, 08:17:25 AM »
Quote from: Mikkamakka on January 24, 2006, 07:15:10 AM
CD is a team effort, for sure, Dizzy's interview proves that. I'm afraid nobody's involved in this project, not even Axl. I think 'You will hear music this year' meant that Axl will leak the first 17 seconds of IRS. Ridiculous.
Finally, someone else sees the absurdity of what came flying out of Dizzy's mouth. I cant wait to see the rest of this so called "interview". I knew the high from Axl's recent comments wouldnt last long. Dizzy had to bring the CD saga back down to reality.
Re: Dizzy Reed [on the Cornell campus] semi-interview
Reply #26 on:
January 24, 2006, 08:20:40 AM »
Man you are so quick to jump on the bandwagon. How excited did you get about Axl's pics and interview?
I don't mean this as a personal attack or anything dude. I enjoy your contributions to the board. It's just you and a few others constantly put downers on the whole thing, get excited and suddenly all positive when Axl appears.. then bingo.. look at these comments.
Last Edit: January 24, 2006, 08:36:00 AM by GunnerDownUnder
What, me negative?
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Re: Dizzy Reed [on the Cornell campus] semi-interview
Reply #27 on:
January 24, 2006, 08:42:55 AM »
Quote from: GunnerDownUnder on January 24, 2006, 08:20:40 AM
Man you are so quick to jump on the bandwagon. How excited did you get about Axl's pics and interview?
I don't mean this as a personal attack of anything dude. I enjoy your contributions to the board. It's just you and a few others constantly put downers on the whole thing, get excited and suddenly all positive when Axl appears.. then bingo.. look at these comments.
What bandwagon? I was the first person to mention the absurdity of the interview. I dont jump on bandwagons, I just ride the wave. Its not my fault when Dizzy occasionally makes this whole thing seem like a joke, so aim your criticism towards him, not me. Yeah, I was positive about the recent Axl comments, because it was something to be positive about. But you're mistaken if you think I was one of the prom night virgins salivating over those pics. Me and a few others dont "constantly put downers" on the whole thing. The current members take care of that job themselves.
Re: Dizzy Reed [on the Cornell campus] semi-interview
Reply #28 on:
January 24, 2006, 09:05:03 AM »
Axl announced song titles for CD in 1999, we're now in 2006 and someone who has been in the band for over 15 years says "I know what you guys know. " what confidence.
but guys, don't give up because from talking to him over the weekend-
there's one thing coming up
that gives me reason to believe that the staging for the release is underway
Rock in Rio ?
Welsh, and luvin' it
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Re: Dizzy Reed [on the Cornell campus] semi-interview
Reply #29 on:
January 24, 2006, 09:23:12 AM »
i havnt read all the posts in this topic but i personally think all the band members know a lot more than their letting on to.every time one of them is interviewed they all give the same answers so its obvious thats what their told to say.
plus when chin dem drops im sure we,ll see the band together touring and stuff (tshirts,band photos,interviews on telly and in mags jus like the old days).the only reason we feel there wont actually be a band after cd is released is coz we havnt seen much of them together over the years and coz they all got their own projects.but when cd drops,i bet they will all be together planning the next couple o years together.
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Re: Dizzy Reed [on the Cornell campus] semi-interview
Reply #30 on:
January 24, 2006, 09:38:25 AM »
"and the other thing is I guess there's never really been a deadline or any pressure. "
Ladies and gentleman, there is the only important line in the interview. You guys have to realize that Axl doesn't need this project to survive and live well. I actually think it has become a leisure type thing for him. He will finish it when HE is ready-nobodies pushing hard enough and Axl certainly doesn't need the money. There is no "hunger" on Axl's part like there is with the rest of the members-they want to make it and be successful on a monetary level. Unfortunately, Axl calls ALL the shots. Period. He will tell them when the release date is when HE decides on it. It is HIS album. As Tommy said in his most recent interview, the album will come out according to "someone else's plan"-in other words Axl. HIS plan-HIS songs he decides to put vocals over-HIS money is going in to the project-HIS reputation is at stake. That is just the simple fact of the matter. If you want to believe that this is a tight knit group of bandmembers who sit around every weekend shooting pool and drinking beer-go right ahead-you are wrong. They are hired musicians-period. When they release a record and hit the road, things will change and they will get a little bit of that "band" concept back. But, for now, they were hired musicians who got paid for the work they did.
Last Edit: January 24, 2006, 09:46:54 AM by madagas
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Re: Dizzy Reed [on the Cornell campus] semi-interview
Reply #31 on:
January 24, 2006, 09:55:48 AM »
Is there a finalized tracklist? I heard that there will be 32 songs of which 26 are complete...?
"Well... I actually thought that there are more... but if Axl says there are 32 then I guess. But what's already in the bank is unbelievable material. There's a lot. There's at least three dozen. There's a shitload of stuff. We've actually been doing stuff... we haven't been sittin' around. There really is a lot of stuff."
What Axl actually said was that there are 32 songs they are working on. That doesn't necessarily mean these are all they got and there may well be songs they are not working on at the moment. And from this dizzy's comment, there are, I assume.
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Re: Dizzy Reed [on the Cornell campus] semi-interview
Reply #32 on:
January 24, 2006, 10:15:15 AM »
Quote from: MR W,AXL ROSE on January 24, 2006, 09:23:12 AM
i havnt read all the posts in this topic but i personally think all the band members know a lot more than their letting on to.every time one of them is interviewed they all give the same answers so its obvious thats what their told to say.
plus when chin dem drops im sure we,ll see the band together touring and stuff (tshirts,band photos,interviews on telly and in mags jus like the old days).the only reason we feel there wont actually be a band after cd is released is coz we havnt seen much of them together over the years and coz they all got their own projects.but when cd drops,i bet they will all be together planning the next couple o years together.
I agree with you Mr W, I have to say i dont get excited until I see Axl has said something - as all the band members are all reading from a different page. not that they cant speak for themselves - but I dont think axl would want any one of them, even the hallowed Dizzy, to name-drop exact numbers of songs, titles, plausible tour dates - release dates etc. This is Axl's baby and no-one else's. And as noted above, exactly - there havent been m/any official press shots of the new band (esp since Bucketbreath's departure) so it's understandable that people find it hard to relate to gn'r as a band or use band member's statements as gospel. They arent lying - just picking their words carefully. Am not sure that dizzy et all will be giving us anything accurate and detailed unless Axl has "spoken" again!
Welsh, and luvin' it
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live,breathe eat GNR.
Re: Dizzy Reed [on the Cornell campus] semi-interview
Reply #33 on:
January 24, 2006, 10:18:33 AM »
Quote from: babydolls on January 24, 2006, 10:15:15 AM
Quote from: MR W,AXL ROSE on January 24, 2006, 09:23:12 AM
i havnt read all the posts in this topic but i personally think all the band members know a lot more than their letting on to.every time one of them is interviewed they all give the same answers so its obvious thats what their told to say.
plus when chin dem drops im sure we,ll see the band together touring and stuff (tshirts,band photos,interviews on telly and in mags jus like the old days).the only reason we feel there wont actually be a band after cd is released is coz we havnt seen much of them together over the years and coz they all got their own projects.but when cd drops,i bet they will all be together planning the next couple o years together.
I agree with you Mr W,? I have to say i dont get excited until I see Axl has said something - as all the band members are all reading from a different page.? not that they cant speak for themselves - but I dont think axl would want any one of them, even the hallowed Dizzy, to name-drop exact numbers of songs, titles, plausible tour dates - release dates etc.? This is Axl's baby and no-one else's.? And as noted above, exactly - there havent been m/any official press shots of the new band (esp since Bucketbreath's departure) so it's understandable that people find it hard to relate to gn'r as a band or use band member's statements as gospel.? They arent lying - just picking their words carefully.? ?Am not sure that dizzy et all will be giving us anything accurate and detailed unless Axl has "spoken" again!? ?
exactly babydolls,this is axls baby and noone is gonna deliver it other than daddy axl
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Re: Dizzy Reed [on the Cornell campus] semi-interview
Reply #34 on:
January 24, 2006, 10:23:29 AM »
the thing that gets me is. everyone says
"oh it's so great everyone has input and it is a band cuz everyone helped"
well tell me this, how come nobody knows shit about shit and all the band members are scattered about the world doing their own thing while Axl finishes the record?
IMHO It's Axl's project, will always will be Axl's project and Tommy, Robin, Brain, Richard, Dizzy, Pittman & whoever else in the "Band" are frogs and they Jump when Axl says so. For fuck sakes richard left his newborn to record more stuff for Axl. what more proof do you need?
They should name the band Axl and the Jobbers. I said a while ago that the reason for the "delay" is that Axl has no one to push him to release anything and low and behold Dizzy comes out with the most significant thing he's ever said about the current incarnation of GnR
Quote from: Madagascar88 on January 24, 2006, 12:40:10 AM
What do you think is the reason for the delay in the album release?
"You know... there is no primary reason... its really a variety of reasons. Umm.. there's just absolutely no one thing. I'm certainly not gonna go say that its all because Axl's a perfectionist or you know... things are just always coming and going... and the other thing is I guess there's never really been a deadline or any pressure. Axl and the rest of us will put the best thing out."
what he's really thinking IMO, "Umm....fuck i don't really wanna answer this, so
I'm certainly not gonna go say that its all because Axl's a perfectionist or you know
cuz he is
things are just always coming and going
like band members
and the other thing is I guess there's never really been a deadline or any pressure.
Cuz everyone is too scared to say shit after Izzy left, Matt was fired, Slash Quit and Duff left.
Axl and the
rest of us
haha only axl really (cuz i already said i don't know shit about the album)
will put the best thing out
Welsh, and luvin' it
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live,breathe eat GNR.
Re: Dizzy Reed [on the Cornell campus] semi-interview
Reply #35 on:
January 24, 2006, 10:30:02 AM »
your right,it is axls project but he couldnt do it alone,there is still a band and when the time comes and they are on the road or telly etc,you will realise that for this thing to work,it would need axls final word.and everyone except axl has been told,"keep your mouth shut until the time is right".
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Re: Dizzy Reed [on the Cornell campus] semi-interview
Reply #36 on:
January 24, 2006, 10:39:04 AM »
Quote from: MR W,AXL ROSE on January 24, 2006, 10:30:02 AM
your right,it is axls project but he couldnt do it alone,there is still a band and when the time comes and they are on the road or telly etc,you will realise that for this thing to work,it would need axls final word.and everyone except axl has been told,"keep your mouth shut until the time is right".
My freind, that is a definition of a yes-man. A pawn. "Your say is important when i say it is"
No. A rock band is a group of people who record an album and see it through till the end. People that will say "what the fuck are you on about? don't do that it sounds like shit" or "cool groove lets keep it but tweak the bass drum" or "how does this sound?" that is a band.
Not "hmmm, you know just as much as me about the new record" or "I'm not sure what the songs sound like now but they were cool the last time i heard them"
those are statements of a person who has a job and the boss hasn't let them know the whole story. A band doesn't have a boss it is a collaboration
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Re: Dizzy Reed [on the Cornell campus] semi-interview
Reply #37 on:
January 24, 2006, 11:18:37 AM »
great interview, can't wait for the rest! thanks alot!
Hey C, did you go and see Dizzy?
victory or death
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Re: Dizzy Reed [on the Cornell campus] semi-interview
Reply #38 on:
January 24, 2006, 11:33:57 AM »
this is really starting to piss me off, first of all
does anyone remember a recent interview with dizzy, maybe last year, when he was like "YEAHH!! ITS COMING SOONER THAN U THINK!!! ITS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER!!! HOLD ON!!! " or some shit, and now hes like, "oh..well if slash says its coming out in march, i'm excited.." i mean WTF?
Shows:?? 5/17/06 @ Hammerstein, 11/10/06 @ MSG
It's so close..... i can feel it.....
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Re: Dizzy Reed [on the Cornell campus] semi-interview
Reply #39 on:
January 24, 2006, 11:36:46 AM »
Quote from: GnFnR87 on January 24, 2006, 11:33:57 AM
and now hes like, "oh..well if slash says its coming out in march, i'm excited.." i mean? WTF?
I think Dizzy was using a little something subtle called sarcasm.
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